The Obama administration [this] week is expected to create an official committee to consider modifying or even abolishing the widely ridiculed color-coded terrorism alert system introduced by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks.
Current and former government officials, who asked for anonymity when discussing nonpublic information, told NEWSWEEK that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano will appoint a “task force” made up of national, state, and local government experts, possibly including governors and mayors, to examine whether the color-coded system has outlived its usefulness. Bush administration officials who developed and oversaw the system may also play a role. The committee is likely to solicit comments about the alert system from industries affected by it, including airlines and companies that make or ship hazardous materials. The committee will have 60 days to examine the system and draw up recommendations on its future.
Democratic Rep. Jane Harman […] says the color-coding system had become so ineffective that even top officials like Tom Ridge, George W. Bush’s first homeland-security secretary, used to make jokes about it.
So, what would you replace it with?
Color coded charts are for kiddies. A challenge for Bush, but not for the public.
Of course, all such “marketing” should be done away with in favor of more thoughtful meaningful analysis and long term plans.
It would be a nice change to see adults in charge treating the Public as adults. Hard to get the two to line up. Obama is missing the mark a bit in presenting his programs as being subject to his advocacy rather than their reality.
I still don’t know how the healthcare program can be modified to avoid waste and fraud by spending ADDITIONAL money on it. In reality, a valid healthcare program CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN, would make its changes with all funding coming from savings. Until that happens, I don’t believe Obama. He is too much “going along” to get along. Its why Cheney/Bush won’t be prosecuted for violations of law. Its why Obama did not veto the stimulus program that was not jobs oriented.
Obama can’t operate entirely outside of political realities/corruption but he will fail by staying as inside them as far as he has so far. Financial Resources–a hard reality on the limits of what we can/can’t do.
I would not replace it, but rather kill it.
It should be remembered as an alert system that was subsequently directed at American citizens by the Cheney regime to regulate fear.
Keep it simple. A. Relax B. Run like hell
Like this one.
How about images?
1. Osama bin Laden standing face to face with Obomba while Obomba apologizes for the US again would be the first level. No problems
2. Osama bin Laden standing behind Obomba. Something isn’t right.
3. Osama bin Laden standing behind Obomba while Obomba bends over to 45 degrees. We have an alert, danger danger.
4. Osama bin Laden standing behind Obomba while Obomba bends over to 90 degrees with his pants down while he apologizes profusely, danger eminent.
5. Osama bin Laden standing behind Obomba while Obomba is taken the high hard-one up is rear. Grave danger, attack might happen if Obomba doesn’t get a reach around.
I’m all for replacing it since no one paid attention to it anyway except for the people trying to scare the sheeple.
People are pretty simple — they generally respond to three levels of anything: cold, lukewarm, hot. That’s how hurricanes and tornadoes are done: nothing, warning, watch (out).
So we need a system like normal, alert, warning, with alert meaning “pay attention” and “warning” meaning “take appropriate action(s)”. I could also understand “regional” — like coastal port cities — or “area” — like airports — having higher levels than ordinary places.
To expound on what #6 said, we need the colors like the stoplights – green (normal), yellow (warning) and red (watch).
And couldn’t we just make the lowest level (green) the default all the time? It doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t be watchful or prepared. It’s just that the only colors the current alert chart have been are yellow and orange, correct? what does it take to get them to drop it to the lowest level? Kill Bin Laden and remove all extremist (Iran, N. Korea, et al.) regimes?
Do away with the constant level. That does nothing but breed complacency.
If there is a specific threat then allow the law enforcement agencies to do their job without hindrance.
I agree that the original color coded system was only implemented to raise the fear level in Americans. I’ll bet though that at least 98% of Americans couldn’t tell you the current level and about the same care.
“Napolitano will appoint a “task force” made up of national, state, and local government experts, possibly including governors and mayors, to examine whether the color-coded system has outlived its usefulness.”
This should not cost more than 15 or 20 million dollars and achieve nothing.
For a nickel, we can scrap the whole damned thing as useless.
The lowest level would be “Exaggerated threat.” The highest level of alert would be labeled, “Incredibly exaggerated threat to swamp out some kind of major bad press coverage about the current administration.”
I think he’ll use a binary system:
1: Picture of Sunshine & lollipops
2: Picture of ostrich with head in sand.
I propose a Schrodinger’s Cat alert symbol system.
The threat is real and unreal, and you don’t know until the terrorists do or don’t strike.
Or, you are simultaneously dead and alive due to a terrorist, the reality depends on whether or not you check to see.
I’d replace it with the same thing we had before the dumba$$ thing was drawn up by Dubya. Nothing. We don’t need it. But if I MUST choose something then I say:
1. Find a helmet.
2. Put on the damn helmet!
Does anyone actually pay attention to this shit? I have no idea what our current “security” status is. I don’t care and it does not impact my life. Grow up people and stop acting like children.
Obama could save a lot of money by eliminating the TSA and Dept of Homeland Security.
The greatest threat to us will be super volcanos or a comet dropping by for lunch. We can’t do a damn thing about either. The government could have an open bar, it will be going to waste anyway.
1. Duck
2. Cover
3. Get your ass in the refrigerator. (thats how Indiana J. survives a nuclear blast)
How about no task forces?
Why doesn’t he (Obomba) appoint another czar? We all know how good they worked out for Russia.
As mentioned earlier – kill it, and the Department of Homeland Security, TSA, and make “jobless” the sub-human scum that work for these criminal organizations.
I do not want to be “protected” – read manipulated. I’ll take my chances and enjoy my freedom; a scarce commodity nowadays.
There was a saying that doesn’t seem to mean much anymore – “give me liberty or give me death”.
I’m sure they came up with the color coded levels so as to not be confused with DoD’s “Defcon” levels. Which BTW, are the reverse from the way Hollywood usually portrays them. It’s “1” to “5”, not “5” to “1”, for increasing levels of action. As for the Terror alert levels. They may be of some possible use to the local police and rescue organizations. But I doubt that more than three are needed. Like “Green”, “Yellow”, “Red”. But orange is so much nicer than red, I think it should be the last level. And it’s also a fruit. So why not extend the metaphor, and name the other levels after fruit or flowers. Merigold or Pineapple, for yellow (can’t see using “Lemon”). Lime, for green (NO, not “Clover”).
I’m sure they still want this system to be taken seriously. So attempts to associate it with the “Lucky Charms” colors, will be greatly frowned upon.
You need the stupid system just in case.
I thought of few things we might use instead but they were rude, crude and vulgar so why not just use it as is and not waste any money?
Oh, this must be another jobs program. Sorry, my bad.
use the same colors that M&M’s are…. the our alerts can come in plain or peanut
This blog should be using this:
No self-respecting techie is without this in the sidebar:
I consider myself a liberal. I agree with almost everyone else about “Homeland Security.” Kill the department of Homeland Insecurity, and replace it with nothing. Keep only the agencies that once had a real mission like the FBI, which is useful for solving crimes that cross state lines. The rent a cops at airport inspections are especially annoying, and should just go away.
The threat level alerts were especially useless, and everyone knew it years ago (October 2001).
I was aware of the forgotten Fruit Brute but I was completely unaware of Yummy Mummy!
I would scrap the system altogether. Whether it is pale green or flaming red, I’m going to live my life the same.
If the government is aware of a specific threat or target, then the specific government officials and agencies should be notified, of course.
While we understand that our leaders need a system of communication, we contest any experiment on the civilian population. We simply have no use for the color codes other than as an object of our fears. These unspecified threats create fear, while conveying no real information whatsoever.
In the name of peace, 40 artists in the USA and Canada have joined to create an artwork called ‘Home Automation’, over a 4 year period. The project is a parody of the color code threat alert system that features a performance of a lifesize metal animatronic crash test dummy family. The family self destructs as they watch government threat alerts on their home TV, in a reaction of mechanical fear and paranoia.
Please check out our art
To truly love, we must be completely free. If we strive to be free, true love and liberty will follow.
David Karave