1. Benjamin says:

    Ads as news. That is one way to drum up revenue for a blog.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Aaahhh, what a great idea. I wonder if shaving cream would also work.

    The tittie bear has been around for years, still looking as cute as ever.

    FacialFlex would be a great item to scare my grown up kids not to move in back with us.

  3. bobbo, not there yet says:

    People really need help wiping their own ass? Hmmm. I thought thats what bidets were for? Yes, “the challenge of being a big guy.” A thoughtful gift for our plus size friends for sure.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Where did you get the idea we’re a news site?

  5. chuck says:

    The comfort grip is a good idea, but the “Get-a-grip” isn’t what I was hoping it would be.

  6. bbjester says:

    I find myself as being strangely jealous of the Tiddy Bear in several of those scenes.

  7. Uncle Don says:

    The comfort wipe isn’t new. The Ancient Romans had a sponge on a stick.

  8. O'Really says:

    The Tiddy Bear…fits all makes and models of tits err cars.


    Also…hey fatty if you can’t wipe your own ass without an 18 inch extender then loose some weight.

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The Comfort Wipe bimbo is loading the TP wrong. The way she’s attaching it, she would have the Comfort Wipe bending away from her ass.

  10. Ron Larson says:

    Ha! Reminds me of the old joke…
    “I bought a toilet brush, but decided to switch back to plain old TP after a week”.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Ironically, the “Facial Flex” was originally designed as a medical instrument, with a medical instrument price of $199. I guess when you are scamming medicare to pay for them, price is of no concern.
    Now you know why health care is so expensive in the USA, because our DME suppliers have no qualms about charging you $100 for a wrist brace that is essentially a $9.95 bowling glove, chinese-made steel wheelchairs that cost about $25 at the bargain medicare price of $1999, and of course the useless facial-flex. At $29.99 the cheap useless junk industry is giving us a bargain in comparison.

  12. Luc says:

    I particularly like the comfort wipe ad because it ends with “but you have to call now!”. English is not my native language, so I heard “Butt, you have to call now!”



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