The Inquirer – May 2, 2006:

SONY is prepared to hand over ground to Microsoft’s XBox for a couple of years if it means that it gets Blu-Ray established.

Mystic musers from Wedbush Morgan Securities, Michael Pachter and Edward Woo, say that Microsoft’s XBox 360 will rule the roost in the console market for the next two years. They think that Sony is more interested in winning the HD format wars than the console battle.

In a report into the future of the console industry the authors say that, in the long term, the console wars will not be won by the manufacturer who has the most videogame titles per console, but rather, it will be determined by consumers’ willingness to adopt new high definition DVD formats.

  1. Jim Petersen says:

    Some say sony lost the BETA vs VHS war because the pornography industry put most of their stuff on VHS. They may not make the same mistake again and have been selling thier HD recorders and Blu-Ray to the pornography industry. This article announces that Digital Playgroud, a large adult entertainment creator has settled on Blu-Ray because it will work on the new Playstations.

    Jim Petersen

  2. raddad says:

    As computer drives:
    Both HD formats are too small for todays hard drives. Hard drives are approaching 1 TB in capacity. I’ll wait for the next generation of recordable media.

    As multimedia drives:
    DVDs look great on my HD TV. Why do I need to change? I get HD video over cable and the only time I really notice a difference is when the video is paused. Yea, it’s a little sharper but not enough to get excited.

    Add in the DRM and I think this is something I won’t bother purchasing until (and if) it goes mainstream and inexpensive like DVD is now.

  3. Thomas says:

    I guess I don’t understand this strategy. It’s not like there is only one person at Sony. Are you telling me they cannot extend their current PlayStation console platform *and* work on the next generation using Blu-Ray? At any one time, Microsoft is working on the next two versions of a given application. It’s called Research and Development.

  4. Greg says:

    Umm, isn’t one of the selling points of the new consoles is that they can play HD content. So I don’t understand how Sony can win the format wars if they concede the game consoles to Xbox 360, which will have HD-DVD support.

    Besides which, I thought that Sony got a large part of their profits from the game consoles.

  5. Lou says:

    Can someone clear things up for me: Is the optical drive on the current XBOX 360’s HD-DVD?

    Are they HD-DVD ready? (meaning it will just take a firmware upgrade)

    TIA, lou

  6. Andrew says:

    Why do we need HD-DVD or Blue-Ray at all? You can get 2ish hours of HD on a WMV9 encoded regular DVD already!

    I’ll buy whatever HD disc is cheaper.

  7. Lou says:

    Actually, I answered my own question, the XBOX 360 comes with a DVD drive. The HD-DVD drive will be available as an option later this year.

    Ho hum. Remember, the early adopters are buying their 360’s now. Does microsoft think people are going to spend the extra $$$ later on?
    Will the games take advanage of the HD-DVD disks? Does that mean that games will have to come in two versions (possibly doublesided)?

    Bottom line: If Sony has the blue ray in every Playstation 3 when it ships, the fact that Microsoft will have an HD-DVD addon will not matter one bit. It’s still gonna be Sony vs. the HD-DVD creators and manufactures, M$ is irrelevant, and in my opinion, since it will be an option add on to the 360, M$ doesn’t even have much of a dog in the fight, so to speak.

  8. cheese says:

    Will Sony have copy protection built into this technology? Will HD-DVD? I’m having DAT dejavu all over again. I skipped DAT (as did everybody else I knew at the time) because of stiffling copy protection schemes.

  9. Pat says:

    you can backup your entire hard drive on ONE bluray disc, but not a hd dvd.. that’s the only purpose i can think of for using one.. actually…. a quad layer re writable bluray disc could be like a second hard drive O_O


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