Hottest Canadian musician ever?!

A group of Canadian musicians have formed the Canadian Music Creators Coalition. They believe the following heretical ideas: Fans who share music are not thieves. That fans should not be sued. And that DRM sucks.

We are a growing coalition of Canadian music creators who share the common goal of having our voices heard about the laws and policies that affect our livelihoods. We are the people who actually create Canadian music. Without us, there would be no music for copyright laws to protect.

Until now, a group of multinational record labels has done most of the talking about what Canadian artists need out of copyright. Record companies and music publishers are not our enemies, but let’s be clear: lobbyists for major labels are looking out for their shareholders, and seldom speak for Canadian artists. Legislative proposals that would facilitate lawsuits against our fans or increase the labels’ control over the enjoyment of music are made not in our names, but on behalf of the labels’ foreign parent companies.

Members include Barenaked Ladies, Avril Lavigne, and Sarah McLachlan. Strangely, the truly great Canadian artists are missing: Aldo Nova, Loverboy, and Triumph! Wherever you guys are, I’m sure you’re still rocking as hard as ever! Life is just a fantasy, dudes!

  1. FARTaLOT says:

    I think artists should just abandon their music labels and publish their works on the web, and totally by-pass the recording industry. Let the fans burn their own CDs if they wish (Canadians are already paying extra for blank CDs) or just keep them as music audio files for their MP3 players. This would hurt the MPAA right in their gut.

  2. Todd says:

    Oh man, Avril Lavigne is so hot….errr… Well, anyways I’m happy to see the artists stepping in to trying to make a difference on this. There are alot of artists that have vocalised their opinion on this subject and some do not agree with the RIAA and their abuse of power. Now if only American artists would do the same to help stand up against the RIAA.

  3. Max says:

    What about Brian Adams?

  4. SN says:

    “What about Brian Adams?”

    First, it’s Bryan Adams.

    Second, any guy who spells “Brian” with a “y” is probably gay. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that!)

    Third, he couldn’t rock himself out of a wet paper sack

    And fourth, even if he ever did rock, which I doubt, the fact that he wrote songs for Celine Dion cancels it out!

  5. Wayne says:

    It’s too bad Shania Twain didn’t get behind this initiative because she’s a helluva lot sexier than Avril Lavigne and her photos would have made this post more appealing. I’m wondering how many of the usual ol’ farts who frequent this site even know who Avril Lavigne is.

  6. SN says:

    “It’s too bad Shania Twain didn’t get behind….”

    Great idea Wayne, thanks!

  7. Or Dominique Vouk! She’s awesome (and my company put it out.). Check it:

    Anyway, I have been a fan of Barenaked Ladies for along time. Their lyrics are consistently smart, and music is good too. What I like about them is that they want more for their fans. They have a cruise (as many bands do), but they went the extra mile to make it much more interactive than other bands do. They are doing multiple concerts, jams with fans, they have seminars on writing music and more.

    Respect for the fans sells. We are in a position of being a first release indie CD. We know their is going to be sharing of the music, but our artist is going the extra mile to meet fans, we have plans to provide tons of free download material (not yet, as the release isn’t until next week), and will even have ways for fans to become involved. Most of all, we will show our appreciation of the fan, something the major labels seem to have forgotten, as if it is your duty to shell out $13 bucks for two good songs and eight filler tunes.

    If you like the music, like her, and feel connected to it, chances are you will want to buy it because you know its worth it, and this will fund more music to come. Indie music (and film) are much like projects like FireFox: we are up against the big corporations who control the market place, but with support and good will we can bring product that gives more to the fan!

  8. jim says:

    I’m an old fart and I know who Avril Lavigne is. I like her music. My wife made fun of me when I got a Honda scooter, she kept singing “Skooter boy…”. Alas I upgraded to a motorcycle.

  9. SN says:

    “Alas I upgraded to a motorcycle.”

    So that’s how you get a wife to let you get a motorcycle! Genius! I wonder if mine will fall for that?!

  10. Bruce IV says:

    Yay! Someone in the Canadian market that will actually fight the big record buisness, and have clout. Being Canadian is great! Just out of curiosity, how much more are we paying for blank CD-R’s? A 50-spool costs $30 CDN normally, and about $16 on sale … That’s $27 and $14.40 US or so, respectively.

  11. Gary Marks says:

    Thanks for switching the photo to Shania, SN! It shows that you’re nothing if not responsive to our needs. As a return favor, I won’t tell you about the rest of my needs 😉

    P.S. I’ve liked some of Adams’ older work, so if he penned songs for Celine Dion, I consider that a personal betrayal.

  12. SN says:

    “…if he penned songs for Celine Dion, I consider that a personal betrayal.”

    According to Wikipedia he’s co-written “Let’s Talk About Love” and “Another Year Has Gone By” for diva Dion.

  13. This is awesome… I am totally behind this.

    BTW… I think ‘Ladies (my favourite band) are producing their next album with their own label, at least according to their podcast.

    Time to do this in America and flip the script on this… eventually, as more good, name-brand content is available this way, it’ll monetarily force the mainstream labels (or close them down, I don’t care) to do the right thing by the artists and the consumers.

    I am convinced the governments’ behavior in regards to the severe punishments that are being considered and handed out are unconstitutional, and constitute cruel and unusual punishment and should be struck down. I’d like to see them prosecute a kid who stole a CD from a retail store to the tune of $500-$20,000 a track, a hand out a decade of jail time.

    Let’s see if that would fly… maybe it would give a judge better perspective to how rediculous these laws are.

  14. John Wofford says:

    The whole DRM thing is doomed to failure, Brian Adams has done some pretty good work, and who he writes for now does not detract from that work, and music fans should get away from that christian like world view that if you don’t worship exactly who and how we do then you are an unholy heathen. I like watching Link, especially when they show music videos from all over the world. Music is music, all of it is cool, and it’s diverse enough so that everybody can find something they like.
    And if you can’t find something you like, then quit bitching and make some of your own.

  15. Me says:

    You gotta start somewhere – these folks are at least a start. Nobody mentioned Rush though.

  16. Lou says:

    I applaud the Canadian musicians for taking an active role in reshaping the laws concerning fair use of music.

    That being said, WE LIVE IN CAPITALISTIC COUNTRIES. Nobody put a gun to anyone’s head and said you have to sign with X company, or Y company, or Z company.

    Hundreds of Thousands of bands around the world sell CD’s at their gigs with no “contract”. Hey, if you can sell a million the indie way, go to it (and pay your sales taxes, you cheats). However, if you want some company to market and distribute it, they need to get paid to do it. As part of their side of the deal, they have the right to say they don’t want their music stolen, or used improperly.

    I really don’t get the crew on this blog (writers & commenters). If you think the record companies are making a foolish business decisions, fine, say that, but don’t say that they are immoral. Every damn person on this board will try to sell their house, car, etc. at maximum possible price (even though people are homeless), and everyone here will try to get the maximum salary (even though they have riches beyond what most of humanity has), yet when record companies try to maximize income (which is ALL they are trying to do), they get booed.

    Hypocrites, all of you.

    And lastly, it’s MUSIC not even OIL or some other thing that maybe a argument based upon necessity can be made.

  17. SN says:

    “Every damn person on this board will try to sell their house, car, etc. at maximum possible price”

    I have no problem with people selling their stuff at the highest price. As long as it’s done legally. What you’re forgetting (or more likely ignoring) is that the music industry has been convicted of price fixing on more than one occasion. Thus the music industry does not merely sell at a price the market will bear, it artificially creates an even higher price by fixing the lowest price. I realize you think that laws should not apply to rich corporations, but those of us with brains still do.

    And you’re also forgetting that music is not a free market. In addition to the price fixing, each artist is sold through only one company. For example, if you want Rage Against the Machine, you have to buy it from Sony. Exactly how is the market supposed to correct prices when there are government enforced monopolies in place driving prices higher?!

  18. Mr. Old Time Religion Fusion says:

    Just to add to SN’s comments in #17.

    Countless times record labels have been sued by artists for not paying royalties. Right now, a couple of bands are suing SONY because they are only receiving 4 1/5 cents for each D/L song, where the contracts specify they 50% of the profit, or 30 cents, for each song.

    The record labels are everything evil that might be said about capitalism.

  19. Mr. Old Time Religion Fusion says:

    Here are a couple of sites with free music to listen too. Magnatunes allows you to hear the album before buying for it. Sound Click lets you listen and also has some MP3s you can D/L for free. These are unknown artists and many of them are quite good. I highly recommend everyone check them out and support these guys.

    And hey, what about Ann Murrey? My Ma-In-Law loves her. I’m more of a Gorden Lightfoot kinda guy.

  20. Floyd says:

    Best Canadian musicians/bands: Neil Young, Sarah McLachlan, Joni Mitchell, Guess Who, Barenaked Ladies (yes they’re that good), and Steppenwolf.

    I’m an old fart, but I know who Avril Levigne is. She’s too young to show her potential, if any, for greatness beyond her two hits. We shall see–there have been too many female singers who were pretty and had one or two good songs, but weren’t good enough for the long haul.

  21. Mr. Old Timer Fusion says:

    Floyd, You forgot Guy Lombardo and most of his band were Canadians. One of the all time great big bands.

  22. Bruce IV says:

    Very funny Theodoropoulos – in addition to Mr. Fusion’s post, a bunch of the people I know listen to – loads of streaming music there (lot of indie stuff), some of it for free download, and I’m pretty sure its legal and supported by the bands.


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