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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective

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No Agenda Archive

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. TThor says:

    This time Adam is losing it. John, you really want to be associated with him – boss or not?

    NA started out real fun and serious in a good combination. But Adam is simply too much focused on himself, all the time. I realize he is going through tough times, but so am I. I don’t need to be reminded of these issues.

    And conspiracy theories are well and good but this time he is simply becoming silly, on Iran and this Boing vs. Airbus thing – it is stupid!

    I gave up half way through this time, first time since episode 5. Partly because of the connection problems, partly because I did not like the conversation.

    Adam, please cool dow a notch or two. You were fun once but now it is too much… Please, let John talk, at least let him finnish a sentence before you break in. He has so much interesting to share.

    I love you guys and support you, but – this is trailing off where I don’t want to se it go…

  2. Peter M Schmidt says:

    Boy, you guys are getting grumpy now!

    Also, the content in this episode sucked.

    You need to sharpen up!

  3. TooManyPuppies says:

    I’ve been holding off he donation, and now I’m glad I did. It seems AC gets stupider with each episode. He was completely dumbfounded that the USAF could actually have two 747’s for AF1 a few months ago. Now, the entire Iranian situation is a setup taking place on a movie set somewhere in Egypt.

    Then, he shits the bed to learn that the US Mint has been releasing $1 coins!

    To top it off, out of what donations they have gotten the best infrastructure John can invest in for the show, is a can with string on the end.

    I can’t listen anymore. The show has morphed into AC talking over John and all he has to talk about is himself, and random bullshit he’s produced from his back end.

  4. Whaap says:

    Dammit that picture is disgusting. I WAS eating breakfast, now . . . not so much.

  5. Todd Peterson says:

    Awful show this time. Adam all over John for no reason, connection issues for the 700th time, stupid theories that are not even crack-pot or interesting. All in all a bad show. I will invest my time in another podcast I think. John appears on several, and I can catch him there.

    Too bad.

  6. brm says:

    Adam needs to smoke weed again. He’s too hyper, interrupting and taking FOREVER to just get to the point.

  7. Blackholeheart says:

    Really not impressed with yesterdays No Agenda I realize Adam was trying to be funny while pushing his conspiracy theory rhetoric but he came off as an ignorant prick and a rush clone which is what all the conspiracy theory pundits wind up sounding like to me. I hit stop and unsubscribe at the 30 minute mark, I think I’ll stick to Tech5.

  8. B.Dog says:

    Negativism comes in shitstorms!

    John, I’ve been waiting years for you to make a grammatical mistake — HA — it’s tack not tact (from sailor talk).

  9. Joe says:

    The shows have titles?

    I had no idea. Where are they listed?

  10. Randomized says:

    #9 http://noagenda.podshow.com/feed

    I’m going to use a Dvorakian way of thinking about this show. Things run in cycles, this show has always been good. Sometimes great, other times just ok..but never bad. I still look forward to every show.

  11. Mustardtits the blind harp blower says:

    The only thing worse than being an a-hole is not accepting the honor of being called out for being the aforementioned a-hole and then using the incident to try and make the “a-hole caller” feel bad by using repeated jabs into the pillowy soft centers of off point remarks,therefore passive aggressively bringing up the incident in every other sentence, there in for cementing the blind a-hole into an ever bigger or “more colossal” a-hole.
    Advice from a bad writer would be to accept the gift of free advice ,acknowledged it ,a quick apology wouldn’t hurt,no need to stew in it and move on with the show,
    I don’t mind the content , The crack pot stuff is usually held in check with a quick grumble and a “so uh” and then the yang,nice.
    Keep up the good work guys.

  12. WmDE says:

    Mr. Dvorak, you should have “Laported” him.

  13. Joe says:

    #10 Thanks. Adam should really put the titles into the episode’s ID3 tag, or file name. I have the them automatically download, so don’t notice the titles.

  14. matt says:

    I don’t know what this story is about but that hotdog/french fry thing looks yummy.

  15. ruffy says:

    Not a good show this week. I want to hear them talk about a little more under-reported news, like what’s going on in Ukraine with Yushenko. I also feel each of them used to tell crazier stories. With both of them in America, the show is too focused on Real News. I am glad Adam’s not smoking weed and is now having to do regular folk things like take the subway and get dollar coins; it makes him realize more what real life is like for most people–it makes him less of a jackass (though it seems, grumpier).

  16. Dick Turdman Fucktard says:

    BEST SHOW EVER! Its not about news stories or any “i told you so’s” Its about two personalities.

    You guys should keep up this format.

    p.s. Dick Turdman Fucktard is my real name

  17. Tom says:

    Guys, honestly, this show was terrible. Adam needs to calm the fuck down.The whole thing about the US Dollar prices was just retarded. Then, it got worse with the goddamned Iran bullshit. I mean come on, a setup? Give me a fucking break. I couldn’t even finish listening to this excuse for a podcast.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    I was all set to believe the whole “genetically modified french fries will give you swine flu” thing until I actually (started to) read the article linked in the show notes. First off, the story is on whatdoesitmean.com, the host for all sorts of millenial, end-of-the-world stuff from Sorcha Faal. Second, the article starts to fall apart in the first paragraph. It says the potatoes are modified to be all amylopectin (one of the components of starch — amylose is the other). But the very article linked to from there to explain amylopectin potatoes says they are inedible and used for the industrial production of starch.

    Plus it says the process causes the H1N1 virus particle to dissemble, rather than to disassemble. (First it lied then it fell to pieces?) I think it’s BS. It’s pretty good BS, but BS just the same.

    Sorry, Adam.


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