• People complaining today. First about the XM radio app for the iPhone and Intel’s new chip naming scheme.
  • Microsoft to roll anti-virus next week.
  • Senators going after iPhone’s sweet deal.
  • Home broadband Internet use is on the rise.
  • New images show evidence of lake on Mars.
  • I have found a story that proves cloning dogs is a good idea.
  • I discuss the fairness doctrine.
  • Palm Pre not saving Sprint.
  • Microsoft complaining that Google is cheating. Aww.
  • Show brought to you by Squarespace.com use the code word TECH for a big discount.

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  1. soundwash says:

    I say there is a lake on mars now!

    if you go through the Rover images on NASA’s website, you will find hundreds of images where the surface looks like it rained 5 hours ago.. the sand and dirt almost always look wet.

    on top of that, *many* pictures have obvious alterations using a smudge tool to blatantly wipe out objects in the images. they definitely have found things on Mars they’d rather not share with the rest of the world..


  2. Zybch says:

    John, the Pentium name never died. Its still around in the form of the Pentium Dual Core CPUs.
    The Pentium Dual-Core is based on the Allendale core, which is also used in the Core 2 Duo E4x00 line (not the E6xx0 line).
    It has limited overclockability when compared to other Core 2 Duo’s because it is picked from the bottom of the binned pile and has 1/2 of its cache disabled.

  3. deowll says:

    Um,if they can’t tell the landforms to be found along a shore line from something else they just need to stay home and grow flowers.

    You are right about one thing. It is almost impossible for the average person to tell jack about what chips they need/want for their next computer. The BS factor is way out of control.

    The only good thing is that a duel core and two gigs of ram are almost certainly all most people need.

  4. John Paradox says:

    Baywatch: Mars.

    coming soon


  5. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently Microsoft is offering its own free AV product, in a last stitch effort to combat the viruses that take over PCs. Rather than relying solely on patching its software. Microsoft must figure a free AV, that’s good, will be fill the gap of those owners that refuse to buy pricey AV from 3rd party vendors. On the principle that they shouldn’t have to protect themselves, at their expense, from viruses that exploit flaws in Windows and other products. And also, with Microsoft’s AV protecting them, users won’t use a 3rd party firewall that Microsoft can’t circumvent. And allow the WU program do its thing.


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