This is going to suck

If there is a global warming problem that can be corrected then Al Gore isn’t helping things with this sort of exaggeration done as entertainment. Just his stiff voice-over alone is enough to make people not take it seriously. And some of the assertions are very radical. What the public needs are “the facts.”

On one of the University channels recently a Government climatologist who was critical of the Bush administration trying to downplay any global warming information made an interesting comment. He said Bush’s people wanted the real data downplayed and before him the Clinton’s people wanted it exaggerated.

How about hard facts. We can deal with it.

  1. Mr. Feeling Fantastic Fusion says:

    I think you are exaggerating Gore just a bit. I didn’t catch him giving any gross pronouncements that have not already been said many times before. Yes, I agree there were very few actual “facts” given The three that stick out in my mind are:

    1) Ten of the hottest years on record occurred in the last 14 years.

    2) The glaciers and ice shields are melting at an unprecedented rate.

    3) If the Antarctic Ice Shield melts, substantial portions of Florida, New York City, Shanghai, and Calcutta will be underwater.

    The thing I feel you over looked is that this is a trailer. A trailer is supposed to grab your attention so you will pay your $6.50 to see the whole movie.

    As a disclaimer, I always felt that Gore has gotten a rotten deal from the press and is still a better public speaker the Bush.

  2. “is still a better public speaker the Bush”

    Well, he actually makes sense, that’s a good thing.

  3. Craig says:

    Ok first i would love to know where Mr. Feeling fantastic Fusion goes to see his movies for $6.50 cause DAAANG thats cheap at least where i am from.
    Second, Gore is a better speaker but doesn’t mean he would be a better pres. ( I guess we will never know)
    and last. I am from northeast ohio…….Global Warming is welcomed here.

  4. SN says:

    “Ten of the hottest years on record occurred in the last 14 years… If the Antarctic Ice Shield melts, substantial portions of Florida, New York City, Shanghai, and Calcutta will be underwater.”

    I don’t think anyone doubts that global warming is occuring. The doubt is whether we caused it and whether we should, or even could, fix it. So if those three points are the only messages he got across. He must not have been too persuasive.

  5. Joe says:

    Google Video has a few of Gore’s presentations – well worth watching – here’s one an hour long:
    Gore on Climate Change. The move seems to be an expanded version of this presentation – one he’s given many times over the last few years.

  6. Gary Marks says:

    Was it my imagination, or did Gore have a trace of glee in his voice as he showed the cartographic representation of what higher sea levels would do to Florida? hehehe

  7. Rob says:

    First off, have you seen the whole thing, either live or on film? My guess is that the distribution company put together the rather sensationalized trailer. I haven’t, but I plan too. Given your rather harsh criticism of the man and the film, wouldn’t it make sense for you to go see it and then honestly give us your feedback on how it was or wasn’t what you expected? Heck, I’d even send you a check to cover the cost of your movie ticket.

    Second, even with the sensationalism, if you fact check every claim made in the clip, it appears that they are true.

    Third, consider that the “hard facts” you seem to want so much, are actually the facts presented by Gore.

    Lastly, most people are lethargic (at best) on the topic of global warming. Do you really think people care enough about it to spend time trying to understand it?

    If Gore can open even a few more eyes and minds, then why on earth criticize it? Sure, it may not be the end all-be all on the topic, but I don’t exactly see YOU or other “public” figures doing anything about it.

    Oh wait. I take that back. Didn’t you just write some article about looming clouds or something? Oops. My mistake. That was about Apple – again. Yawn.

    Seriously. Go see the film and let us know what you think.

  8. Iain says:

    global warming has happened and is still going on. It is man made and I can’t understand why people can’t grasp that. Also we can stop it and even reverse it. But it will cost money. It will also take governments to push it through as bussiness men won’t do it as it is not cheep. Also hopefully with the high prices of oil then hopefully some of the renewable energy sources will have a bit of a boost and start to be a bit more competative to oil in price.

  9. Mr. Feeling Fantastic Fusion says:

    So if those three points are the only messages he got across. He must not have been too persuasive.

    I also pointed out that this was a trailer, designed to grab your attention. How well that worked only you can decide. I am confident the full movie would fill out the picture.

    My comments are only my reaction to the trailer in light of the introduction’s comments. If I remember something of the film, then it must have succeeded at least a bit. If I couldn’t remember ANYTHING, then yes, it would be a total flop.

    The $6.50 is an invented figure. Our local Drive-In raised their prices this year to $5.50 for adults and $3 for 5 to 12. Still pretty good price and we love the Drive-In atmosphere. I understand you city folk pay a LOT more to be interrupted by noisy popcorn chewers, people giving away the plot, and cell phones.

  10. joshua says:

    yep sn….and thats where the problem is. Anyone who denies that global warming is happening is a fool at best and on the board at Exxon at worst.
    But I am still to be convinced we(humanity) have that much effect on it and if any thing we do will have any effect on stopping or slowing it down.
    Whats coming weather wise has been here before and will be here again in the future. This won’t be the first time the Arctic will be ice free in the summer. The last time the planet heated up there weren’t any people and no cars and it heated up pretty impressively. Unless those damn dinosaurs were burning fossil fuels and they didn’t tell us.

    There are to many top flight scientists on both sides of this issue for amatures like us to say one way or another. But my feeling is that it’s just nature doing what nature does, regardless of what we want.

  11. Awake says:

    If it only were an exaggeration…
    We are doing things that have a high probablity of being very wrong, yet we give them the “benefit of the doubt”.
    My fairest comparison would be drinking and driving. You can do it and 75% of the time nothing really bad will happen, so does that mean that there is only a 25% chance that drinking and driving is a bad thing? Nobody would use such a stupid logic, yet here we are, with absolute proof that the environment is changing in ways that do not follow ANY historical nautral cycle, yet we still have morons arguing that there is no reasonable proof theat we have any influence on that environmental change, therefore nothing should be done. If they had any brain they would be arguing that even if the change is ‘Natural’ we should stil be trying to control it, since the repercussions are so severe.
    Even Gore does not go far enough. We worry about some flooding… what we are talking about is global famine, destruction of all major ecological areas in a way that will not recover for millenia, civil strife throughout the world.
    Yes Henny Penny.. the sky is falling. And those in power to help remedy the situation are too ignorant or short-sighted to do anything to do the right thing and help work against the problem.

  12. Gareth says:

    This is great if this is what it takes for americans to raise these issues with the Bush adminitstration and their local politicians so be it. As stated above I think this is all the generall public in america will respond to and the facts are not being exagerated.

  13. BgScryAnml says:

    The error lies in misinformation. This reminds me of the anti pot smoking propogana films from the late 1960s. Hey Gore is a product of that era and look how he turned out.

    All you open minded liberals weren’t looking when the democrats pored in the soap. With what detergent did they wash your brains?

    Yes, global warming is an issue…just not in the way you’ve been conditioned to believe.

  14. Smith says:

    Al Gore represents everything that I find repulsive in his brand of environmentalist. Don’t get me wrong, environmentalists that debate the actual scientific facts are worthy of my respect, regardless of whether I agree with their conclusions. But if a scientific fact actually entered Al Gore’s brain, it would die of loneliness.

    Sorry folks, but I read his “Earth in a Balance” and that “factual” book was filled cover to cover with lies and misconceptions. If you want fairy tales, read Grim’s, it’s more entertaining.

  15. Mike Novick says:

    Duke University put out a study in the last week saying that the exagerated claims are very unlikely to happen. Al Gore can’t be trusted on anything. Take a look at Earth in the Balance. In there, there is a chart of some sort, and he projects future numbers. It was a sine wave, that gets bigger and bigger. How would you project this? Most sane people would chart the crests. Al Gore decided to follow the last slope like the infamous hockey stick.

  16. doc says:

    I read about about global warming when I was in 8th grade of school in a developing country. Both global warming ( carbon cycle topic in geography/general science) and evolution surprisingly made sense to me even at that time and I still beleive they are real. I came to canada few years ago and I still cant understand why people here cant figure that out. USA is supposed to be a developed country with hight litreacy rates and full of educated people but it fseems they are allergic to every little thing and argument that expects them to change their lifestyle or thinking. Dubya exaggerated terrorism threat post 9/11 and got away with lot of BS so I guess if you need to do something in this country and grab people’s attention, you have to exaggerate things and if Gore or any other scientinst is doing this just to protect our planet and not exxons cause than I really dont mind it.

    Also If america cant find a better pres than Dubya than thats more serious than global warming

  17. BgScryAnml says:

    #17 – There is a bigger agenda! Can you find it??? Or are all those bubbles getting in the way.

    Lather Rinse Repeat Re#15

  18. Me says:

    Blah, blah, blah. All this hot air couses Global Warming. It’s probably happening – deal with it. However deal with it WITHOUT sacrificing standard of living. Big trucks/SUVs, freeways, urban sprawl, lot of driving, big houses spread apart on large lots are ESSENTIAL to life. Without those minumums there’s no reason for Earth to continue to exist.

    Therefore, any “solution” to Global Warming is unnaceptable if it involves sacrificing any of the above. We either all die or we don’t, but in either case, lifestyle does NOT change – therefore don’t worry about Global Warming. Carry on and have a nice day.

  19. MacBandit says:

    The one thing we do know is that this planet has gone through global warming dozens of times in the last few hundred million years. We also do know that carbon dioxide and water vapor are major green house gases. We also know that a single major volcanic eruption puts more of both of those gases into the atmosphere in a few days then man does in several years.

    With that said I’m all for cleaning up our environmental impact and believe we have a responsibility in doing so but the facts should be stated and not our conclusions based on 100 years of meteorological data. There are thousands of geologists out there that can give you the cold hard facts about the Earths heating and cooling cycles you need those facts before you jump to conclusions.

  20. joshua says:

    Sorry awake… must be lonely for you to be so perfectly brillant.

    I have said before when this fun topic has come up…..that even though I don’t believe it’s anymore than Nature taking it’s couse(one it has taken many times in the past), thats no reason not to do all we can reasonably do to clean up our planet, and make our presense more low impact.

    Kyoto was and is a pipe dream, all of the European nations that signed it are freaking out because they won’t be able to meet the first levels of compliance, and most of those countries have far stronger enviromental rules and policy’s than we do. But as long as you exempt the most polluting parts of the world for whatever reason, nothing will change. If every car, truck and airplane were outlawed all over the world tomoorw it still would only reduce co2 by 0.05 %.

    We don’t as a fact, know how warm the past warming’s were, just because some core samples from Anartica say there was less of certain gasess in the air trapped in the ice, they base the theroy that this warming is faster or more severe. My God, most of the northern hemisphere’s were covered in ice only 40,000 years ago……it took some big time warming to reduce that area to what it was 5000 years ago.

    Man is an arrogant breed, we think it all starts and ends with us. Sorry, we are just a most prolific species, and one that will go by the wayside as nature takes it’s course, like all the others before us.

    Global warming won’t be stopped, and most likely can’t be slowed. All we can do is try to live more in harmony with nature for the few thousand years we may have left as the Earths dominant species.

  21. Alex says:

    Lets all just join the masons so we can figure out what the hell is going on!!

  22. BOB G says:

    If we whould just turn off our air conditioning and start walking every where it whould be all better. NOT

  23. Hal Jordan says:

    stupid. stupid. cant you guys feel it or were you just born yesterday?

  24. Dave Conley says:

    I saw NOTHING wrong with this. I think the evidence is clear. Global warming is happening and the consequences are dire. Anything anyone can do to wake up the world is a positive thing. Get off Gore’s back! The man is trying to do something positive here!

  25. joshua says:

    I think Gore may be less the nutter so many of us thought.

    This guy is getting the leaders of oil producing nations to pay him 125 thousand a hit for speechs to their elite and he sells his enviromental books to people who are anti-oil.


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