The Robot Hall of Fame pays homage to fictional robots as well as real-world ones. Among the 2006 inductees is Gort, the strong-but-silent android from the 1951 film, “The Day The Earth Stood Still.”

“Gort was a reaction to a world mired in post-Holocaust existential relativism, to belief in definable concepts of ‘good and evil’ and other societal and moral dictums…”

And, of course, Sony’s terminated the dog.

Klaatu Barata Nikto — Click Here for the Robot Hall of Fame.

  1. Joe says:

    I misread this headline as “Al Gore joins Robot Hall of Fame”!

    Must. Get. Coffee.

  2. Richard McCoy says:

    Seeing GORT brought back warm memories of the Saturday Matinee & this exciting SciFi movie.

  3. David says:

    It’s a travesty that Gort hasn’t already been inducted.
    What about our pal from Lost in Space?

  4. rus62 says:

    Good movie. I like the math problem part.

  5. joshua says:

    Al Gore was inducted 2 years ago.

    I have a copy of the movie…..I watch it about every 2 months or so, it’s one of my favorites from those days.

    I wonder if Robbie the robot is in the Hall of Fame?

  6. Eideard says:

    Joshua — I just added a link to the Robot Hall of Fame.

  7. joshua says:

    Oh cool…..Robbie is there. I knew he had to be……lol
    My Dad said that people just knew he was real when the movie came out (Forbidden Planet) and that he and his brother actually rode their horses into town to see the movie every day for it’s whole 4 day run in Buckeye. Plus….it was only 50 cents to get in.


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