Federal immigration authorities rounded up more than 1,000 illegal immigrants at dozens of sites and charged nine individuals of the firm that employed them, federal law enforcement officials announced Wednesday.

Seven current and former managers of IFCO Systems, which has offices in several states, were arrested and charged in connection with the employment of illegal immigrants…

A customs official said federal authorities checked a “sample” of 5,800 IFCO employee records last year and found that 53 percent had faulty Social Security numbers.

“They were using Social Security numbers of people that were dead, of children or just different individuals that did not work at IFCO,” Immigration and Customs agency chief Julie Myers told CNN.

“The Social Security Administration had written IFCO over 13 times and told them, ‘Listen, You have a problem. You have over a thousand employees that have faulty Social Security numbers. And we consider that to be a big problem.’ And IFCO did not do anything about it,” Myers said.

Homeland Insecurity says this is the start of a new policy. Why should enforcing the law be a “new” policy? Can we count on this to be ongoing policy — or just window dressing to help pass more lame legislation that will be ignored like existing laws?

  1. ECA says:

    ONLY 7???
    Is that ALL the persons we could get to search for illegals???
    THIs is 1 company…ONLY 1… what about the rest?

    A customs official said federal authorities checked a “sample” of 5,800 IFCO employee records last year and found that 53 percent had faulty Social Security numbers.

    what happened to the OTHER 2000 persons??? ONLY 1000??

    with all the COMMENTs from washington LATELY, I was thinking they were going to Hire them for the OVAL OFFICE…

  2. rwilliams254 says:

    ECA…what? Did you read the article? The NINE people that they charged were the bosses. Again, did you even read the article before making your political assumptions. This news is days old. Do you usually let your agenda and political stance get set by the “standard media” or other people?

  3. RTaylor says:

    Token effort. INS will pull these for the press every now and again.

  4. iglowat says:

    The Globalization of our job, Union breaking, living standard breaking these are the things I will assocaite with King George Bush. Clinton wasn’t any better, but he’s not President now.

    The lowering of our living standards, so that we live in the same huts that the other thrid world coutries live in, this is what the immigration policy is all about. Ignoring the border and refusing to put bugdeted border guards on the border amounts to a policy.

    This is how they intend to make us “more competitive” with China and India. Can anyone say “Economic Treason”. This is what the Globalist are guitly of. The immigration won’t stop until the country is Balkanized and torn apart.

  5. rwilliams254 says:

    iglowat, you have a lot of critisms with no solutions. What is your master plan all exalted one?

  6. Mike Novick says:

    It would help if the Democrats would join the debate in favor of enforcement instead of amnesty. With the majority of Republicans already on board for enforcement, things would work out. Howard Dean is pushing for border enforcement, now he need to get his party on board. Start with that Arizona Governor, who just vetoed a law to let state police enforce immigration law.

  7. ECA says:

    DID you read the article?? I did.. And I KNOW how few are in the INS, to run from state to state. AND I know about how many Illegals are IN my area…It would make that 1000 seem ABIT SMALL…
    Want to talk MIN WAGE?? In Agri areas, its $5 an hour.. DO you want that Job??
    LEAVE the min alone as thats the starting wage for 65% of the US, or did you know that?? Burger king, McD, EVERY grocery store, and ALOT of others, this is STARTING WAGE…
    Raise it at your OWN risk, as this is ALSO the base line for how much you will pay for your groceries and services at MOSt locations.

  8. rus62 says:

    Another 9,999,000 to go.

  9. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Hey you know what the greatest part of the immigration debate is? That many people in the congress want to reward 20 years of illegal activity with citizenship!

    Does that mean if I steal for 20 years and get 30,000,000 other to do the same we should just throw up our hands and give me a reward?

  10. Mr. Blowed Up Real Good Fusion says:

    Too few, too late

  11. axe says:

    I wonder how many companies have been calling their congressman, senators, LOBBYISTS today?

  12. ECA says:

    NOt how many companies have been calling, but HOW much they are PAYING congress, and rep’s to ‘NOT DO ANYTHING’..
    there is no comprtition anymore.


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