O.K. — so, this fruitcake is 47 years old

In 1962, Lance Nesta did what many people do when receiving a fruitcake: He set it aside. He rediscovered it more than 43 years later in his mother’s attic.

His two aunts sent him the fruitcake in November 1962 while he was stationed in Alaska with the Army, he said.

“I opened it up and didn’t know what to do with it,” Nesta said.

“I sure wasn’t going to eat it, and I liked my fellow soldiers too much to share it with them.”

As best he can remember, he packed the cake with the rest of his belongings and shipped it home to Waukesha, Wisconsin, when he left the military a few years later.

Tee Hee.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Hah, hah, hah…more lefty humor. You guys kill me.

  2. Framitz says:

    I bet that fruit cake is just as edible today as it was when it was fresh!

  3. rwilliams254 says:

    “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”

  4. Me says:

    Leftys don’t have a sense of humor. According to leftys everything is going to destroy the world.

  5. moss says:

    Aside from the fact you obviously don’t find this funny, what you offer is a statement of attainder — useful for debate amongst barflies, xhristians and other equally unproductive members of society. They’re probably waiting for you [“Me”] at a Bushleague site.

    Your statement contradicts your post. Unless a hah, hah, is somehow implied.

  6. Eideard says:

    The rejoinder between “me” and “moss” reminds me of a discussion with a political acquaintance from Scotland about 35 years ago. Because he made a good case for Lefties not only being humorless but a bit reticent about sex — in UK political history. Yet, here in the States, there hasn’t been a nationally successful humorist or comedian who was a conservative Republican — and rooted his humor in conservative values — since Will Rogers, 80 years ago.

    Sure, there are Republicans like Jay Leno who gets plenty of traffic from poking fun at the clown in the White House — no matter which tweedledee party holds that seat. That begs the question. But, look at every groundbreaking comedian and humorist — from Jean Shepherd and Lenny Bruce to Robert Foxworthy and the Wayan Brothers — and these dudes all stand on the left side of the aisle when they’re making a living getting a laugh.

    Maybe that’s just a commentary on how Americans feel about folks who take their ability to “lead” so seriously — they’re laughable. But, it might make a nice topic for a cage match.

  7. joshua says:

    I think you proved his point moss.

    And, as a former barfly/christian….I’m offended by your bigoted racist remarks…..you guess…is this humour, sarcasm or seriousness?

  8. joshua says:

    actually eideard, like many things, humour is subjective. What a leftie finds funny a rightie may not and I think vice versa.

    Righties think Jeff Foxworthy is quite funny and if I thought about it awhile I could probably come up with a few more.

    I loved the pic though…..so appropriate.

    Now if Karl Rove did this blog, that pic might have been Cynthia McKinney………

  9. rwilliams254 says:

    Dennis Miller: Conservative Republican

  10. Eideard says:

    Tee-Hee. rw, that’s 1. And I think you could make a case that Miller snuck in the Glen Campbell route. If you’re not familiar with genre of folk/country — Campbell made his name with the ultimo counter-cupture comedic act of their day, the Smothers Brothers. Just as Miller was made by SNL — in their days of anti-Establishment success.

    Only after being established did either come out of the conservative closet. I’m not criticizing them for the tactic. It just illustrates the same question I asked earlier. Would they have been accepted by the public so thoroughly as conservatives from the git-go?

  11. Eideard says:

    Joshua — does the “former” apply to both barfly and christian?

  12. rwilliams254 says:


    For the record, Dennis Miller “came out of the closet”, if you will, after 9/11. He gets it.
    Drew Carey is another.
    Just wait till a Democrat (God forbid (double so for Hilary)) occupies the White House again. You’ll see a lot of comedians “changing” their routine. Jokes against the President and congress are easy…hence the majority of the comics play off it…regardless of political stance.

  13. Mr. Blowed Up Real Good Fusion says:

    Dennis Miller: Conservative Republican
    Comment by rwilliams254 — 4/19/2006 @ 2:37 pm

    If that is an example of Conservative funny, boy, are they in bad shape. Geeze, Miller isn’t funny. He is rude, sarcastic, and insulting. Somehow, if he insults someone enough, Miller expects a laugh. He doesn’t know how to be funny. The best thing about Miller on TV is the ability to change the channel.

  14. Mr. Blowed Up Real Good Fusion says:

    Now, if Lance is a Republican and he is bringing the fruitcake out of the closet,…

    That is funny.

  15. Me says:

    Sorry I took so long – I have a job and don’t live on this blog.

    To reply to moss, of course there’s an implied “ha ha”. I find everything funny.

    Leftys go through life all stressed out because everything is not “perfect” for everyone. I ignore it all or laugh at it and go on with my life.

  16. joshua says:

    Uh….yeah on the christian thing.
    Under review on the barfly thing….no barfly until after the chemo is done……lol

  17. 409 says:

    Har Har Har

    You must’ve been saving that one up for a long time.

    It would’ve been nice if the subject of your attack (Santorum) had something to actually DO with the story. Next time, just out right blast the guy. Don’t cloak it by trying to be “funny”. If you want to tell a 40 year old fruitcake story, then tell the story. If your real aim is to blast someone, then just come right out and blast them, straight up, with both barrels.


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