UPDATE: Katie had a girl. No news on the placenta eating yet! And of course he’s now denying he was ever serious about this.

RTE.ie Entertainment – Cruise to eat nutritious placenta — If this ran on April first it would make more sense. What is wrong with this guy? First of all he’s obviously never been in a room with a woman giving birth. If Katie starts to scream, what’s he going to do? Divorce her? Then there is this “eat the placent” thing. YUK!

The guy is messing with us, right?

Cruise told GQ magazine: “I’m gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I’m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.”

Cruise has also claimed he knew that Katie Holmes was pregnant before she told him.

He has also defended the Scientology belief that women should give birth in silence.

with placenta Lecter recommends:
fava beans and Beaujolais

related links:
placenta recipes

  1. joshua says:

    Ok…..I was going to ignore this post….but John got me riled…..lol

    Cornwall pasty’s are pretty good dude!!!!

    Now, traditional Haggis, THAT falls into the placenta grouping.

    And yes….T.C. is a whack job.

  2. Eideard says:

    Try Haggis smoked, next time, Joshua. It’s better than blood pudding.

  3. meetsy says:

    …did you hear? He got confused and ate the baby!


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