Complaining by residents got this quashed, so he won’t be hired after all. If it had gone through, this would have been like Saddam’s Baathist party hiring Bush after he left office to help them get back into power.

A Heckuva Job: Hurricane-Ravaged Louisiana Parish Considers Hiring Brownie

In one of the most amazing turnabouts in recent times, officials in Katrina-ravaged St. Bernard Parish in Louisiana are looking to hire the man most vilified in the aftermath of the disaster: former FEMA Director Michael Brown.

The consulting firm formed by Brown after losing his job at FEMA, has been approached by St. Bernard Parish to help businesses and communities negotiate the maze of federal bureaucracy. Brown will make a pitch to the St. Bernard Parish council on Thursday. A huge crowd is expected.

An editorial in the Times-Picayune of New Orleans on Tuesday called the whole idea a “mistake.” It said that local officials “need to remember Mr. Brown’s abysmal performance during and after the hurricane.”

Here is a link to the story about it not happening.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    I was thinking Ok, Brown carries a lot of baggage. Then I read the last comment. That, if anything convinced me that they better hire him, and fast.

    “It smells to high heaven. I’m a Christian and the Apostle Paul says, `To prove all things, keep the work good and abstain from the very appearance of evil,'” Councilman Lynn Dean said. “This does appear evil, don’t it? So we should abstain from hiring him.”

  2. Dan says:

    Scapegoat. Lookin’ for aaaa scapegoat.

    Hiring Brown is one of the best things those folks could do.

  3. BHK says:

    This is what federal bureaucracies are for – to create jobs for incompetent people. When you vote for more government you are voting for more jobs for those types and FEMA is a perfect example of why we should be careful of what we wish for.


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