North Korea warns of attack FYI

The North’s anger was provoked by the South’s decision to join a US-led international security initiative, established after the September 11 attacks to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

“Those who have provoked us will face unimaginable merciless punishment,” said the military statement on the official Korean Central News Agency, blaming Washington and for the latest turn of events.

The PSI, which now groups 95 nations, provides for the stopping of vessels to ensure they are not carrying weapons of mass destruction or the components to make them. The South announced it was joining on Tuesday.

“Any tiny hostile acts against our republic, including the stopping and searching of our peaceful vessels… will face an immediate and strong military strike in response,” the North Korean statement said.

It said its military would “no longer be bound” by the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean war — in which the United States fought on the side of the South — because Washington had drawn its “puppet” Seoul into the PSI.

With no binding ceasefire, it said, “the Korean peninsula will go back to a state of war.”

  1. Jopa says:

    It will be cool if war breaks out in Korea.
    The south will kick the north ass, the north’s army is big but it is total crap and is prepared for a 1960’s conflict. Of course, that cock sucker kim jung ill will order a nuclear strike, but no one in his army will follow such an order – they know what the result would be.

    Of course, it is easy for me to talk about war between the Koreas as I am living very very very far away, but I believe I am right.

    Another good thing that will come from a war like that is that the official Nazi regime of the middle east – Iran – will understand that having atom bombs doesn’t guarantee their security.

    So without further ado (drums please)… ITS WAR!

  2. John E. Quantum says:

    #33 The Iranians already understand that having a nuke doesn’t guarantee security. They see nukes as a matter of national prestige and a potential bargaining chip.

    It’s time we deeply insulted the dear leader while making it clear to the NK people that we want to feed and assist them directly. We could allow hundreds of thousands of bags of rice with a picture of the dear leader having sex with a goat on the label to wash onto their shores. At the very least it would distract the military as they tried to round up every last bag. On the other hand, all of that rice might increase global warming.

  3. Toxic Asshead says:

    I never thought about it before, but if this situation could start the global arms race up again, that could bring the economy around.

  4. RSweeney says:

    I think I saw this on Team America, but I forgot how it ends. Or maybe it was a commercial where the phone rings at 3am.

  5. MyDogBen says:

    Um, has anyone noticed that US military is in no shape to take on a war on another front? (Thanks, Bush!!)

  6. Two to the Head says:

    #21 jpohland.

    lol. Perfect.

  7. Nimby says:

    I think China feels that NK is an embarrassment to the region, a threat to their upcoming economic dominance and an irritating source of illegal immigrants. I don’t know where Hillary is right now but I’d be surprised if a visit to Beijing isn’t right around the corner. I suspect Moscow will be visiting about the same time. I hear China has some excellent marksmen and no compunctions regarding assassination.

  8. PPCLI says:

    Why would China get involved? Why would China start a 3rd world war? They own more than half of the US dept. Why would you go to war with a country you half own? No I think this is just posturing on NK’s side. Their army is large but is not technically advanced. In modern warfare they’d get slaughtered. The 1st Gulf War where quantity vs quality was a huge wake up call for countries that depended on quantity forces. NK just never learned that. They don’t have naval superiority. They don’t have air superiority and they certainly don’t have weapon superiority. If they start something it will be the end of their regime.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, PP,

    Why would China get involved?

    Simply because it is too dangerous to have an unpredictable state with a nuclear weapon and a missile that will reach Beijing. If and when something is done militarily, China will be there. NK could very well end up another vassal state of China.

  10. Dallas says:

    The issue is China holds all the cards as to what can be done.

    Proposal to China: Take North Korea (and Kim DongDing gets water boarded) and leave Taiwan alone.

  11. Eideards#1Fan says:

    #43, Dallas, Kim has written symphonies and hits holes-in-one on the golf course, I doubt waterboarding would even phase him.

  12. god says:

    #44 – I see your spelling is as juvenile as your political understanding.

  13. oh boy says:

    U.S. needs to spend $ 5.00 for a .50 cal round aimed straight kim jong ding dong’s skull. A sharpshooter could pull the trigger. One bullet could save the world a lot of grief. That would let his 26 year old son take over who perhaps would be a more compassionate leader than his brutal daddy.

  14. superman says:

    I think this is how its gonna boil over…
    After another couple of tests, the US pulls most of its troops out of Afganistan (since thats where most of them are now at), after that they pull a navel blockade (by this time Kim is dead from Pancreatic Cancer, its probably worse then hes letting us know) and NK panics and demolishes most of South Korea before we can land (AGAIN) and then we push em back (China’s also pretty worried about this too) and the Red Army comes in as a “Peacekeeping” force stationed on the border, North Korea freaks the fuck out (and with the inexperienced leader that took over) and places two nukes in China and South Korea (yes, crude, but still nukes), the US and SK strike back, despite Chinese warnings, as their forces are still there, we fire missles anyways, seeing as how the Chinese didn’t even help us (and were probably covertly giving aid to the North) and all hell breaks loose (considering how the number and size of Nukes has now been regulated it’ll be less devastating then previously thought


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