A few weeks ago, Kristofer Wagner, a 32-year-old building maintenance supervisor from North Las Vegas, headed down to his local Buffalo Wild Wings for what he thought was going to be a game of electronic trivia.

By the end of the evening, he had become one of 260 national qualifiers for Sunday’s inaugural USA Rock Paper Scissors Bud Light Finals at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay.

No, Wagner did not win the $50,000 first prize — that’s a dollar sign, a five, a zero and a comma, followed by three more zeroes — for playing a what? … game? sport? exercise? … that most of us last used as kids to settle arguments or who got last ups on the sandlot.

Given the frat house atmosphere, it would seem the only criteria to being a good rock-paper- scissors player is a wacky costume and a camel-sized thirst.

There was a couple dressed as hot dog condiments and at least three Edward Scissorheads and one Edwina Scissorshead — you can guess what they were wearing on their noggins.

My personal favorite, a guy in a boxing robe named Golden “Freak Show” Groves, played with a “trainer,” a sidekick replete with stocking cap and a spit bucket the size of their native upstate New York.

The two national RPS organizations:
World RPS
US RPS League

  1. rwilliams254 says:

    Does this really need comments mocking the article? Doesn’t the article say enough?

  2. Ha! Just finished listening to the latest episode of TWIT about 2 hours ago (one of my must-listen-to-podcasts). I run the World RPS Society and author of the Official RPS Strategy Guide (available at amazon.com or you favourite bookstore to make a Dvorak-style plug), so thanks for the shout out.

    Got to correct the post though, there are not ‘two’ national RPS organizations. The World RPS Society is the International Governing body of the RPS, we run the World Championships that take place every in October. The US organization is more of a beer promotion.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Is ppl in the USA getting so fat that this is now a famous sport???

  4. Babaganoosh says:

    This settles it. The world has gone competely insane.

    And stop calling it a sport for pete’s sake. Golf is not a sport, and it is a great deal more physically challenging.

  5. rus62 says:

    Do they have instant replay?


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