No easy answers on immigration conundrum — Points well-taken. Who needs health insurance if you are an undocumented alien? An interesting half-serious essay.

Here’s my immigration “compromise”: We need to regularize the situation of the 298 million non-undocumented residents of the United States. Right now, we get a lousy deal compared with the 15 million fine upstanding members of the Undocumented American community. I think the 298 million of us in the overdocumented segment of the population should get the chance to be undocumented. You know when President Bush talks about all those undocumented people “living in the shadows”? Doesn’t that sound kinda nice? Living in the shadows, no government agencies harassing you for taxes and numbers and paperwork.

found by Pat McEntee

  1. Don says:

    I worked in Asia for a whle and married an Asian lady. I brought her to the US legally. What a hassle! It took better than a year and a stack of documents half an inch think (on both sides of the Pacific), not to mention the various fees and financial guarantees. All the while I was wishing she was a Cuban baseball player with a great hanging curve ball — she would have been here in two weeks! Of course, now it seems that the smart thing would have been to get her to Mexico and sneak her across the border. She would have been illegal for the past six years, but now, it seems, she might have gained legal staus via some “guest worker” program. In immigration, it’s the ones who play by the rules who get screwed. Sort of like DRM.

  2. rus62 says:

    “In immigration, it’s the ones who play by the rules who get screwed. ”
    Hmm…seems to apply to many other things a “legal” citizen has to endure here in the US.

    I know of a doctor who is here legally and her car is still in my driveway for over a month now as she awaits to get her car registration so she can get a license plate. From a state that gives driver’s licenses and registration to illegals with no questions I find it frustrating also and so does my doctor friend.

  3. david says:

    Don, in Japan (pre-9/11, I don’t about now), it took 2-3 weeks to get a green card if the marriage was done through the American consulate in the country of the fiance. Literally, 2-3 weeks! No lawyer.

  4. sh says:

    I suggest we rename California – Calico and Taxas – Taxaco
    to appease our new wave of aliens be they illegal or inter-planetary.

  5. RonD says:

    Don, I thought hanging curve balls usually get knocked out of the park? 🙂

  6. RTaylor says:

    Many areas are facing health care crises because hospitals are closing and professionals are leaving because of lack of payment for services. The states can’t keep up with the Medicaid cuts. You get illegals with chronic health problems going to ER’s repeatedly. I have decent health insurance, but the ER co-pay is $250, just to discourage the use of the facilities for non-life threatening treatment. Many insurers will refuse all ER payments unless it confirms to policy stipulations. This is the most expensive facility there is in the hospital, and a real drain on their budget. The only answer is higher premiums for those that can pay, and higher taxes to cover those that can’t. These people are here now, and there’s no way to round them all up and send them home. We have to plan for the future, and be realistic about the consequences.

  7. david says:

    I know many illegals that pay taxes and social security that will never benefit from them. One guy pays more taxes in a year than I make.

  8. Don says:

    RonD – You’re right! I should have said a Russian hockey player with a blistering slap shot!

  9. bill says:

    Eat the RICH!
    Then we all will be POOR!

  10. Jim Scarborough says:

    It’s quite the interesting puzzle: What do you do with 11 million people that form the foundation of our economy? You can’t lock them all up – that would be terribly expensive. You can’t deport them all – because you can’t even find them to do that. How would you enforce existing immigration law if you wanted to? The law is broken and it needs to be fixed. Furthermore, the process for coming to this country legally needs to be streamlined – I know several people with stacks of paper at LEAST half an inch thick documenting their eligibility to be here. Us U.S. citizens would never tollerate it if the DMV were so cumbersome and slow with our applications for commercial drivers licenses!

  11. rus62 says:

    By the way I have been paying SS since the 70s (paid a lot more then these illegals have) and I may never benefit from this but that is not the point. The point is they came in illegally. Do you think they will go through the typical red tape we (legal citizens and residents) go through in everyday life? Not a chance. They won’t even learn our language, our customs, or follow our laws!

    And our President says they (illegals) are living in the shadows. Don’t think so. The regular citizen is because our laws that are already on the books are not being enforced and we are being forced to pay for it.

    Everytime I hear the same excuses. In case anybody doesn’t realize the previous amnesties have done nothing but increase the number of illegals and giving into these people again will just increase the flow once again. What do you do then? I believe this was covered during the last amnesty.

    Don’t say you can’t enforce the laws because you can if you want to!
    People use to say we couldn’t go into space but that didn’t stop us, we did it!

  12. meetsy says:

    It’s easy to follow the law….the law is clear, EMPLOYERS get fined for having illegals on the payroll. Why aren’t employers getting fined? Why is everyone looking the other way?
    Don’t hire contractors who use illegals. Don’t go to businesses that use UNDOCUMENTED workers (meaning illegal….if they were legal they’d have documents, duh). Ask. It’s easy, say “do you have a green card?” If they do not, or get huffy about it, walk way, do not hire.
    We ARE part of the problem. We want cheaper nannies, cheaper gardeners, cheaper services….so we look the other way and pretend not to notice. We let companies do the same thing.
    Let’s enforce the laws on the books.

  13. doc says:

    I came here on work visa last year and 10 months later i still dont have a drivers license. All i have a temp piece of paper that says that i can drive while they ‘process my application’.
    Thanks to Missouri revenue dept.
    I couldnt get 5000$ exemption for my income tax so I had to pay lot more tax than my coworkers just cus it was my first year.


  14. John Wofford says:

    We need the illegals to do the jobs Americans won’t do? What a crock. We need the illegals so big ( and small) businesses won’t have to pay Americans respectable wages for what should be menial, entry level jobs.

  15. ECA says:

    Whats irresponsible is the costs of..
    Medical supplies.
    xray machines.. ALL the machines are over priced.
    drugs, wouldnt you like to but a NEW farrari every 6 moths??

    Making these costs ressonable to doctors and hospitals would decrease ALOT of the costs, and MORE Doctors could have the BASICS for starting a clinic…

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Most restaurants around here have Americans working out with the public. But behind the scenes, the busboys, cooks, and washers are all Hispanic. There are quite a few kids fresh from school that could do those jobs, but then the owners would be required to pay into Workman’s Compensation and Unemployment for them. They would also have to pay minimum wage.

    I still say, make hiring an illegal immigrant a felony and being illegal a felony. Any children born in the US will become wards of the state if the parents are deported unless the parents willingly take all minors with them. All assets would be forfeit and be used to pay for the detention and deportation of the illegal. If there are insufficient assets, then the employer would be forced to make up the difference. Once deported, that alien could never again be allowed into the US, even to visit, without a sponsor and sizable cash surety.

    The Social Security Administration will notify an employer within 48 hours if a SSN is good and will advise as soon as they become aware that the SSN is being duplicated. If an employer becomes aware that an employee has been using fake, forged, or stolen ID then they must notify the INS as soon as possible. The INS will maintain a hotline and rapid response teams to apprehend all reported illegals. The legal Chief Executive Officer of the employer will be responsible to ensure that all employees are legally entitled to work in the US.

  17. rus62 says:

    Did anybody notice that in today’s demonstrations there were significantly alot of American flags? As a matter of fact they were handing American flags out to demonstrators. Sounds like some good PR people are getting involved.

    #14 Meetsy — Good questions. Why aren’t the employers getting fined? Well, for some reason politicians think if they pass a law everyone will obey it. I had to give my birth certificate in order for one of my employers to make a copy back in the late 80s to prove my citizenship. Since then I just give them my passport for them to copy.

    If I were a laid off employee of a top Bank in this country I would look into it. You may have been laid off in lieu of an illegal alien. Think about it, back pay, damages. I think that is where it has to come from. Also people who want work at restaurant who have illegal aliens and can’t get hired because there are no openings…take them to court. If these companies can’t survive without the illegals they surely won’t survive being taken to court for refusing a job to a capable citizen in lieu of an illegal alien. These are some ideas.

    Also ask the Mexican government what they do with illegal Guatemalans coming across their southern border? Trust me it is alot tighter than the northern border.

  18. David says:

    >Also ask the Mexican government what they do with illegal >Guatemalans coming across their southern border? Trust me >it is alot tighter than the northern border.

    It sounds like you read a posting of mine from a couple of days ago. I was on a bus coming from Guatemala, going to Chiapas Mexico. At a machine gun checkpoint, soldiers came aboard the bus and dragged off a couple who were ‘undocumented’ . They didn’t escort them off, they dragged them off.

    I’m also wondering who is financing all these large rallys? Senor and Senora Sin Documento? I don’t think so, not if they’re making less than minimum wage. I suspect some big money behind those demonstrations. It must cost $10’s of thousands to organize the demonstration ,buy the flags, buy the signs, etc. Multiply that times the dozen or more big ones that have occurred in the last week, and you’ve got hundreds of thousands spent. Corporate America protecting their cheap labor source?

  19. Mike Voice says:

    I’m also wondering who is financing all these large rallys?

    I was wondering the same thing…

    My sick sense of humor also had me wondering what would happen at any of these large demonstrations if INS showed-up and started doing random checks for illegals… 🙂

  20. joshua says:

    Under present laws employer’s are only required to ask for paperwork. They do not *have* to verify it. Under the bill just passed by the House, they would be *required* to send the info to a data bank for clearance or face very large fines, per illegal.

    In Arizona, I can personally take you to 11 offices that will seel you all the papers you need to get a job and work here if you are illegal for 1000.00 per person. I have only been in the Bay area for 7 months and I can take you to 2 such places.

    The IRS has a program, that is just for illegals working here. You contact them and they give you an ID number, they never ask for or want your name or any personal info. With the number you can then give it to an emplorer and your federal taxes will be applied to that number. This allows you upon reaching retirement age, to apply for Social Security and recieve a check, just like any citizen employee. Amazingly enough, a lot of illegals are in the program.

    Here, and all over California and I hear also in Washington state and Oregon, and other places they have *sanctuary* cities. In those cities and towns, no illegal will be arrested just for being illegal. No cooperation is given to the INS or any other federal agency that might want to round up and deport illegals just for being illegal.

    As to the *they do the jobs Americans won’t do* bullshit. It’s just that. Ask the 4000 unemployed members of the carpenters union in Arizona if they would like to work, since their jobs have gone to illegals who work for 10.00 an hour, with minimal or no benifits instead of what used to be the going union rate of 18.00, plus all the usual benifits.
    Or maybe you could ask the over 6000 meat cutters and packers in Iowa, and Kansas and Arkansas that are unemployed because the illegals now have their jobs at less than half what the old U.S. citizens got. It’s the same all over the country, not just in the west and southwest anymore. It’s this way in Georgia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Massuchusetts, Illinois, Indiana, all over.
    It used to be just the resturants and lawn mowing and fast food, or agriculture, but not for the last 5 or 6 years.

    No amnesty, or any other citizen type program can be done until the border is closed. A wall, electronic and cement and everyother means at their disposal must be built to stop or almost stop the crossings. Then and only then can we begin to think about what to do with 11 million illegals that are already here. In 1986 they Reagan gave amnesty without staunching the flow of illegals, which at that time was approximatly 100 to 200 thousand a year. As soon as word spread of the amnesty, the flow has gone dramatically upwards until now it’s very close to 1 million a year, not the 500 thousand the goverment claims.

    Mexico would collapse if they couldn’t send these people north. The system there isn’t meant for the lower classes to make a living. The 300 families that control 83% of the wealth of Mexico(Vincente Fox is one of them) have repressed their own people for 200 years. They are allowing the poorest of the poor, and the most uneducated of the illiterate to run the border, to keep a lid on disent and possible revolution. Once, the illegals were more educated and had some skills, but now it’s primarily the Indians of central and south central Mexico that are coming north. They have historically been the bottom of the totum pole in Mexico as far as jobs, and education go.
    This June, I think is a Presidntial election in Mexico, and the leftest candidate, the former Mayor of Mexico City is leading all the polls. I am blank on his name, but both of the old parties, the PAN and the PRI are running scared. This could be the Hugo Chavez of Mexico.

    I like what Kennedy and McCain have agreed to….but I also like the House bill…..a combination of them is the only way to go IMHO.

  21. joshua says:

    #20…Rus…..apparently what happened was, the hispanic radio and television people and the Hispanic groups realized that millions of Americans, including legal Hispanics were appalled by the huge numbers of Mexican and other South and Central American flags but a noticable lack of American flags. They realized this could be a disaster for them. So, they started telling the people who are going to dmonstrate to wave American flags, this was put out on the Hispanic radio and Spanish language news papers this past week.

    As to who is bank rolling them…..look no further than George Soro’s and 2 or 3 other uber Liberal billionaires. There probably is a lot of secret corprote money in there as well.

  22. Sean says:

    “All the while I was wishing she was a Cuban baseball player with a great hanging curve ball — she would have been here in two weeks!”

    Classic! 🙂

    “Don’t say you can’t enforce the laws because you can if you want to!
    People use to say we couldn’t go into space but that didn’t stop us, we did it!”

    Yep, I completely agree. If the law enforcement agencies really put their minds to it, I’m sure it could be done.

    “I still say, make hiring an illegal immigrant a felony and being illegal a felony. Any children born in the US will become wards of the state if …
    deported, that alien could never again be allowed into the US, even to visit, without a sponsor and sizable cash surety.”

    I also agree with that. It seems most employers that hire illegals consider it a risk worth taking. Save a lot of money, and get a slap on the wrist if caught. Now make it a felony, and I’m sure that will change. Employers would stop hiring illegals, and with no jobs available, they would stop coming.

    There was a time when I would say, “Screw it! Let all come over!” I mean, I hate to see people suffering, and some people that start out illegal actually become a credit to American society.

    But it seems our resources in this country are starting to get stretched a bit too thin. When you have plenty to share, you should share it. When you have a little to share, you should share a little. But it’s getting to the point that we don’t have anything left to share.

  23. rus62 says:

    #21 – Yes, I do remember that post now that you mention it but also I have been to Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Brasil, and other countries south of the border several times and they weren’t tourist destinations. I have witnessed/experienced many things down there that I don’t want to experience here in the US. I will add I have also met a lot of nice people in these countries so don’t anyone get me wrong.


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