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He’s way too emo to be taken seriously… or am I just too old?
I like the setup in the first video – he gets a volunteer, then decides she’s too short – then selects the “real” volunteer who is part of the trick.
This guy is great. I’d love to see him live. Much better personality than that creppy David Blaine.
1. midget and birth defect woman (no legs)
2. two of Angel’s actresses with classic trick bras
3. look-alike Angel holding sheet
4. walking on clear plexigass just under water surface
Keep in mind many of the people in the small crowds are working for Angel
These tricks are even easier in low rez. Waddaya think Windoze or Mac?
No shit.
The art of magic encompasses all these ‘tricks,’ and even the obvious ones are hard to pull off in a way that completes the illusion for a whole crowd of people looking on at all angles.
I’m friends with a street magician, and even though I know it’s not ‘real,’ the effect is always mind-blowing when you see it in-person.
Illusionists are skilled when they can pull off their illusions in public, and yes, of course, they’re all tricks.
But illusionists that rely too heavily on plants just make me QQ.
Clearly, there’s a platform (platforms) in the pool, which means all those people moving around and under them are in on the “illusion.” Meh.
I guess you gotta hand him the bra illusion. It’s perfect. She’s a plant, with a bra hooked but not around her, and the strap of another bra accessible to complete the illusion. He pulls “off” (really, just out) the bra she had been wearing over her in the front, and the perfect part is all the guys get so caught up in her bra-less boobs that nobody cares to ask to see the old strap still in her clothing in the back. Ho-hum.
I like how Crissy fakes his heterosexuality. He should just be a man and come out of the trick closet, not that that makes him a bad guy.
“New” street magician??
John, did you know that this guy had a series on A&E a couple of years ago?? Hardly *new* at all. Jeez. Sorry but OLD news here. I hope no one is paying you to keep up with what is actually CURRENT.
Exactly. At least a couple of these videos are *years* old…
John, if you think this is cool you should check out Derren Brown. That guy is actually interesting.
…and there are so many giveaways here. If you ask any young woman — who’s not a plant — if she’s wearing a bra, the first thing she’d do is laugh. She wouldn’t consider the question, look down at herself, then answer “yes”.
Dag-nabbit Johhny C. This new-fangled urchin magician better stay off my lawn or I’ll whip the tarnation out of him!
Thanks for the heads up JCD…
Why are all magicians/illusionists weirdos?
Who, other than children, believe in magic?
Oh yeah, the religious.
No matter how good of a magician he is he can’t hide the gay.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
At least in my mind, “street magician” is some dude who just walks up to you and performs magic. All those illusions were heavily preproduced.
I saw that bra trick being performed on a street in NYC back in 1974. They guy did it through an overcoat AND street clothes. Nothing new there…
Hey # 4
These illusions have solutions, but your super simplistic explanations do nothing but show how utterly stupid you are.
I piss on you while laughing.
Yes Magic isn’t real of course it isn’t but whats wrong with suspending the disbelief for entertainment?
When watching CSI or whatever you don’t go yes but of course they find the murderer that easy it’s scripted, you just enjoy the show.
What’s the point in trashing him for doing his job?
#16 Not all of them are, just the successful ones and it’s called character. You don’t watch Children’s TV and say hey look at that weird freak in a costume because you know it is for entertainment.
#12 Is fantastic at what he does and is the only respected magician even though he does more of the mind-reading stuff.
I think the trick with the Escalade is a very old one but needs a little elaboration. Angel has a rod with a fake right hand on it so it looks like he is holding the sheet with two hands. Actually, in his right hand, he is holding a paper cutout of his face on a stick. You only get to see this one for about a second after a cheesy camera pan but from 100 feet away it is very convincing.
When the truck approaches, he steps to the side and lets the truck hit the sheet and the angle of the camera hides him from view behind the sheet and right side of the truck. He then jumps into the truck (with very black tinted windows) through the passenger door as the real driver jumps in the back seat. Angel drops the prop hand-on-a-stick and face-on-a-stick inside the truck and steps out of the driver’s side.
That one is all fakery and camera angle.
I think you pegged the others dead on.
he’s jebus