“There’s one now. Get him!”
(His sweet spirit still guiding gently)

Liberty University will no longer recognize its campus Democratic Party club because its parent organization stands against the conservative Christian school’s moral principles.

The club, which has about 30 members, will no longer be able to use Liberty’s name, hold on-campus meetings, or be eligible for student activities money.

“I think it does the university a great disservice to stifle one side of the discussion simply because we are Democrats,” said Maria Childress, the club’s adviser and an administrative assistant at the school.

Brian Diaz, president of Liberty’s Democratic club, said he was informed of the school’s decision in a May 15 e-mail.

The candidates supported are directly contrary to the mission of Liberty University,” the e-mail said.

Liberty has had a College Republicans club for years. The Democratic club formed in October and worked aggressively to elect President Obama.

“They . . . let the Liberty University College Republicans stay on campus, but they don’t let us,” said Diaz, 18, who will be a sophomore next year. “Sounds like censorship to me.”

Childress said she is trying to appeal the decision to Jerry Falwell Jr., who became the Lynchburg school’s chancellor after his father died in 2007. In the meantime, students who violate the rule face reprimands under the school’s conduct code, which could result in expulsion.

Isn’t it ironic about the name “Liberty University”? I guess liberty doesn’t include the right to have an opinion. Then again, hypocrisy and theocratic leadership go hand in hand, at least according to Jesus.

“Hey, just looking left gives me a crick.”

Thanks, K B

  1. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #185, Cow-Patty,

    It might apply at the Univ., it depends on its sources of funding and whether it is public or private. You should try reading the constitution.

    Actually, it would be Virginia’s laws that apply and any requirements by the accreditation agency.

    That is good advice, you really should read the Constitution (it does deserve to be capitalized as it is a proper noun) and especially the Bill of Rights (there are ten amendments, not one).

  2. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #186, Ayatollah1,

    who are now in the process of rejecting the big bag …

    Would that big bag be your ex-wife?

    …I was born again.

    Obviously a breech birth.

    So God is as real to me as this keyboard I type on…

    So, ya got one of them thar imaginary keyboards.

    you ask how I KNOW without doubt the Bible is 100% correct in all it says, including the spiritual dimension…I discovered it is…

    I would really like to see your facts for Moses and the 15 Commandments. Oopps, I forgot about that, 10 Commandments.

    But Evidence that Demands a Verdict will give you the LEGAL HISTORICAL proofs for Christianity that any reasonable person will grant is weighty indeed.

    Say what?

  3. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #198, Alfred,

    For example, I NEVER said I was “convinced by the certitude of my logic”

    But we do say it because the evidence as viewed from all observers points to that conclusion. You might not see it, but we do. You can deny it, yet the evidence is still there and has not changed.

    You are in a terrible place…you don’t take the time to see what others say…but you have reams of copy paste to hurl at them…

    We do take the time to see what others offer and accept or reject that on what proof exists.

    When you claim “god” exists, we ask for tangible proof. You don’t have any. When someone else offers evolution and can demonstrate it’s existence with evidence, we do accept it.

    That’s sad…no real discussion of these things can occur until YOU take the time to understand what I say…my position…and respond to that.

    We have tried that. You are all over the place with your arguments. You use the bible as a reputable source to prove your points. It isn’t reputable. Continually people have asked you to explain and you start calling them “loons” and “moonbats” as if their opinions don’t count.

    All we are asking is that you provide some tangible evidence that your “god” exists and the sunset is his creation and not a meteorological event, or that the autumn leaves change color because the trees shut down production of chlorophyll, or identical twins are the result of a zygote dividing in two.

    Good luck.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #205, Alfred,

    For example, in a court of law, the scientific method cannot be used to determine guilt or innocence, rather historical data, including eye witness testimony, is deliberated upon, to render a verdict.

    Actually, you are wrong. The evidence is weighed and valued to derive a conclusion. This is the opposite of your method where the bible is interpreted to determine if something happened or Rush Limbaugh is consulted, and rightly so.

    There is more than enough historical data to indicate Christ truly did rise from the dead.

    Then please post it. So far all most of us know was culled from letters written many years after the fact. There is no contemporaneous evidence that he even lived.

  5. kel says:

    I just read that Liberty did NOT ban the democrats. See Mr. Falwell’s statement on the Liberty University website. It gives the correct information!


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