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Nothing says “I DO” like a machinegun on full auto. Rent our 11,000 sqft Party on the Green with a kicking sound system. Set your band upstairs your Dance floor downstairs for an edgy wedding you’ll never forget.

Sara Palin are you listening?*
*and no you don’t have to be pregnant – BUT if you are, write us why you should win an Openrange Shotgun Wedding. If we are amused you might win the use of our Party on the Green, Full Auto Vows on the gun range! plus a Ceremony by Certified Range Safety Officer and Minister (that would be me).

BUSHMASTER M4:$75 (additional 20 round mags $20)
H&K MP5: $75 (additional 30 round mags $20)
FNH P90: $105 (additional 50 round mags $40)

– the ULTIMATE BLAST and worth every penny!

  1. aMillionWays2HumiliateYerself says:

    This is a joke, right?

    I hear they also do Divorce Parties — but you have to pay up front.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    #1: Oddly enough, if you click on the link, it’s not.

  3. The Warden says:

    It’s called creative marketing and it’s clever on their part.

    There are people that enjoy shooting. Why is that a shock to so many of you ignorant leftist fools on here?

  4. aMillionWays2HumiliateYerself says:

    #2 Uncle Dave

    Thanks for the tip but I already clicked on the link and while it seemed somewhat elaborate, I still thought it must be a hoax. After all, how could it not be?

    #3 The Warden

    I enjoy shooting just as much as the next person – maybe more. Apparently, associating guns and shooting with weddings causes a disconnect in my mind.

    I think it’s a psychological thing. I blame it on the bullet I took in my own head at my own wedding.

  5. KD Martin says:

    plus a Ceremony by Certified Range Safety Officer and Minister (that would be me).

    Nothing says I love you like a full-on auto ceremony by the Gun Range Safety Officer. Thanks, Uncle Dave!

    No wonder King Of The Hill was canceled – it’s too much like real life there in Arlen, TX.

  6. Stu Mulne says:

    A pregnant woman probably shouldn’t be on an indoor range – lots of interesting chemicals in the air that might not be great for the fetus….

    However, it’s legal, and fun, too….

    (Although, in this context, a little nuts….)

    My daughter usually brings home some real winners, but for the latest, she arranged for me to meet him at a range session. Nice kid….

  7. Toxic Asshead says:

    Anyone who doesn’t like shooting guns and blowing stuff up has no reason to exist.

  8. qb says:

    Excessive drinking and shooting together. What could possibly go wrong?

  9. SmallMindBigGun says:

    Shooting guns is for real fucking men. Holding the power of instant death in my hands gives me a boner just fucking thinking about it. I practice a lot because someday I might have to blow some fucking assholes head off. Yeah, better not cross me sucker. Guns have cool names like the fucking Bushmaster M4. Yah, I’m master of the wild and dangerous fucking bushland. That’s me. Fucking tough, rugged, me against fucking nature. It’s so cool to sneak up on some asshole animal and blast a fucking hole in it. We have to show those asshole animals who is the fucking boss. Bam! Bam! That feels so fucking good. That powerful blast gives me a fucking thrill. Someday I might get even get me a fucking terrorist. Right now, I need a fucking beer.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I believe there is a yearly event in Oklahoma that would put this to shame. Every gun loving person is invited to bring your own or borrow/rent ones from the organizers. From Uzi’s and MP-5’s to a Browning M2 .50 Caliber are present and ready to blast away.

    or look at this site. great way to celebrate the summer solstice.

  11. denacron says:

    Kentucky? This guy is from there. I think he would approve.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    #10. Oh Yes!

    I’m moving to Oklahoma!

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Now I know the reason for full auto.

    Without it, an Oklahoman couldn’t hit ANYTHING!

  14. Glenn E. says:

    So where and when do they draw the line for the gun touting? The deliveries or the christenings? Let’s be sure the little ones develop a case of hearing loss, as early as possible. If it’s not guns, it would be race cars or vicious dogs. Some “adults” just can’t get over playing with their precious damn toys. These were apparently denied theirs, in their youth. So now they’ll show mom and dad, by turning into Rambo.

    BTW, I’m not surprised Sarah P. turned out to be a leadhead. She must think appearing as the Rambo Gov, will keep getting her elected. As long as Alaskans are that gullible, this will probably work.


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