alien autospy

I believe deeply that aliens exist, I just don’t believe that any have visited actually visited us. Then again, I could be wrong…

According to The Manchester Evening News, a special effects expert claims he made models that 10 years ago fooled the world into thinking they were really watching the dissection of a real-life extra-terrestrial.

I didn’t think the original video was very convincing to begin with.

From the article: “until now, he says, he has kept secret his most well-known work – footage of an alleged post mortem of an alien which, some say, crashed to Earth in Roswell in the United States in 1947. For years sceptics have claimed it was a hoax, but John has stayed quiet – saying he was sworn to secrecy. But with the release of sci-fi comedy Alien Autopsy, which features Ant and Dec and which is based loosely on the Roswell film, John says he has decided to reveal his role in the making of the 1996 film.

“All we did for the Ant and Dec film was recreate the models we made 10 years ago from photographs we took at the time,” said father-of-two John, who says he also played the role of the surgeon in the original film as well as designing the iconic aliens.”

So the guy came out and admitted he made the fake to promote the new flick.

  1. blank says:

    Wow, it was fake? SHOCKING.

    I don’t believe it, this story is fake. I mean, just look at the video itself, it looks too real to be fake.

    That octopus video from the other day, THAT was fake of course, no way could an animal do something like that. But this video of a real alien being autopsied is real. I mean, LOOK at the bones!

  2. GregAllen says:

    Obviously The Man got to John Humphreys and he’s part of the conspiracy now.

  3. William Wise says:


  4. Diane Ensey says:

    Well there goes the basis of my new religion– Damn!

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    That’s OK, when I saw it at the theater I paid with fake money.

  6. Dave M. says:

    I agree with #1. Who thought the video was real? If it was filmed 40 years ago, then maybe. These days, it’s so easy to fake just about anything. Just look at the 2000 and 2004 elections! 🙂

  7. James says:

    Maybe he got a visit from one of those men-in-black!

  8. david says:

    “I believe deeply that aliens exist, I just don’t believe that any have visited actually visited us. Then again, I could be wrong…”

    Do dogs know Mathematics exists even if they are sniffing on your Calculus text book? Do fish know they are swimming in water? Does a human baby know language exists even though it hears nonsense sounds coming from their parents’ lips?

    Everything already exists. Learning how to develop awareness is all it takes to *see* something that you think is not there…

    Aliens exist. We cannot see them until we raise our awareness, our consciousness, within *one’s self*.

    Where were you a year BEFORE your birthdate? You had to be born first before you could know your past. In fact, you know a lot about the past not just since when you were born. Miracles are all around. Be aware. You are more than an alien. You are God.


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