OK, this is just plain weird. He went for $1,725.99 plus $30 shipping fee.

Won’t Someone PLEASE Help Poor Little Christopher?

Christopher was born on March 28th, 2005 at 1:37 pm
Weighing 8 Lbs 2 oz Length 22″

He is in need of a new Mommy for holding, hugging, kissing, squeezing and loving.

This is his story…

(I took the pictures in all different lighting to give different perspectives, but no picture has been touched up beyond adding the fading on the border.)

I heard a knock at my door last night, and when I opened it, what did I find, but this tiny little helplessly abandoned baby boy in a basket with a note that read “Please find me a new Mommy”.


  1. GregAllen says:

    This child needs to be taken into CPS and adopted out.

  2. Ziggie says:

    Except…this is a doll….

  3. KB says:

    Swinging singles everywhere need to buy one of these and start driving in the HOV lanes. No more discrimination.

  4. laineypie says:

    That is gross

  5. Derik says:

    I’m curious how many people were caught thinking this was real.

  6. Michael says:

    lol, someone thought this was real? haha

  7. meetsy says:

    it looks like a DEAD BABY….
    Yeah, a doll..another in the “artists created” line of dolls that like to promote ugly babies.

  8. meetsy says:

    How come they don’t mention that this is his mother:


    Now, that’s MUCH better for the HOV lane….. or better yet, get a real doll and the Baby Christopher….and have them BOTH in the car….


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