Using your phone to securely send money to people

This has both good and bad aspects: now everybody, everywhere, can take credit, but once paper money is gone a great deal of privacy will be, too.

PayPal has introduced PayPal Mobile, a text message-based service allowing consumers in the US and Canada to send money anytime, from anywhere, using their mobile telephones.

With PayPal Mobile, users can send money, purchase items or donate to charities from their mobile devices. Using PayPal Mobile’s Text to Buy service, consumers can buy things instantly, such as CDs, DVDs, shoes and apparel, by sending product codes via text message.

Already, companies like 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Bravo, MTV, and the NBA Store are offering items for purchase with Text to Buy. PayPal Mobile also enables users to Text to Give to charities such as Amnesty International, Starlight Starbright and UNICEF.

related link:
Paypal sucks

  1. Kent Goldings says:

    There’s a certain wisdom in the need to eliminate cash in order to limit illegal transactions. Altyhough, think you great it will be to pay-off your dope dealer with a pay-pal text message. I’m of the opinion that people will find a way to mask their transactions…cash or not.

  2. Dan says:

    Paper money won’t disappear but the gov. will considor you highly suspicious if you use it to often.

  3. Bruce IV says:

    I just know there’ll be someone say this is the Mark of the Beast … I really wish they don’t … gives those of us with a little more common sense (and rembrance of history) a bad name … Could be a piece of that eventually, but I sure am not calling it


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