Don King needs more than this for his hair

Could a drug banish grey hair?

Some, including Hollywood heartthrob Richard Gere, appear to be quite content about it. But millions of others would rather dye than admit they are going grey.

For those who spend a fortune on hair colouring, however, help could one day be at hand.

Scientists have made a breakthrough which could lead to drug treatments that permanently restore grey hair to its original shade. Researchers at the cosmetics company L’Oreal have found that the pigment cells which give hair its colour often survive long after people turn grey, but no longer function properly.

Dr Bruno Bernard, who led the research, says it should be possible to ‘reawaken’ these cells, known as melanocytes, stimulating the hair into returning to its natural colour.

  1. rus62 says:

    My father had to do it to get and keep a job when he was in his late 40s to his early 60s because of age discrimination back in those days. Then one day he pulled a Bob Barker, no he didn’t have sex with one of his coworkers (at least that I know of), he stopped dying his hair and in no time it was white. By that time he didn’t give a flying leap.

  2. Chris says:

    Whatever happened to being “distinguished?”

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does this means that it’s the end of the salt n’ pepper bear? 🙁

  4. Lou says:

    My hairs not gray, it is away.

    To late, my little follicles….

  5. Wayne says:

    The real question is…could a drug banish Don King?

  6. Dan says:

    Hey I earned everyone of these gray hairs fair and square.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Gray??? I have what I refer to as “Platinum Blond Highlights”.

  8. jasontheodd says:

    I hate having hair on my head, been shaving the sucker shiny bald for years. I am sort of amused by people who spend gobs of money on their hair.

  9. James says:

    Was this thing written in 2004 or am I mistaken? Is this year old news or something?

  10. catbeller says:

    The thing I see in this story is that the knowledge is owned by a cosmetics company. One upon a time, scientific research was also paid for by government grants — and the knowledge gained was free to all. The cosmetic companies just made treatments.

    Now basic science is owned by corporations. This is a major change. And it explains why scientific research has slowed to a crawl.

  11. Inge says:

    I hate having hair on my tones

  12. mrmigu says:

    I wonder If Ill be able to take a pill to turn my hair other colours…..

  13. Greg V. says:

    It depends. Quite frankly I wouldn’t want the government spending money researching ways to get people’s hair color back. L’Oreal has an obvious financial interest in pursuing such a thing. If they’re willing to front the money for it, they should get the rewards.

    However, I do like the government funding more serious science, and anything found that way should be placed in the public domain.

  14. James says:

    My goodness why wouldn’t they develop something for male pattern baldness! You can dye your hair if it is gray but if you are bald then you are screwed!


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