bush dark side
Are we absolutely sure that the father isn’t Dan Quayle??
Yogi Berra perhaps?

BUSHISMS on DVD starring Brian Unger

HEAR Dubya say things like: “War is a dangerous place.”

Be BAFFLED by comments like: “Karyn is a West Texas girl, just like me.”

And be AMAZED by this one: “Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning.”

No matter, most Americans are actually proud of having GW as prexy. Proud..

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    You should buy a copy for yourself. But, also consider Michael Moore’s suggestion — buy a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 and give it to an Independent or Republican you think might be nudged into opposing Bush’s re-election.

    I have Republican kin who changed their vote after seeing a theatrical showing of the film. It’s worth the effort to counter the effect, frozen in some folks’ minds, of the mouthpiece brigade, from Rice to Cheney, who still rolic about the nation proclaiming linkage between Iraq and 9/11. There are lots of folks whose lifestyle is still led by what comes out of the tube — who can benefit from a present like this.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    This is the reason that the accusation of Bush “cheating” with an ear-piece – during the debate – was such an “ah HA!” moment, for me.

    With his acknowleged problem with public speaking (at the convention, he even joked about Ahnold correcting him), I attributed his lack of bushisms to some intense pre-debate practice. Now, I’m not so sure. 🙂

    Have people started looking at tapes of earlier, bushism-free speeches – to see if a receiver can be seen?

    What am I thinking, there are probably a few “un-biased” websites dedicated to that – already!! 🙂

  3. Thomas says:

    Once you realize that the movie full of 1/2 truths and in some cases out and out lies, Fahrenheit 9/11, it is a great movie to convince people to vote against liberal loons.

  4. Dave says:

    Party trumps person. Which is why I’ll be voting Republican again this November and not for the shady, deceitful Democrats.

    It’s disgraceful people try to waive F 9/11 around as some sort of educational documentary. It pure propagandized crap.


  5. Ed Campbell says:

    I have to chuckle over Republikans who trumpet some ethical “high ground” over propaganda — by lambasting Moore’s film. Fortunately, the film continues to be a great success at what it is. The DVD carries additional material not available to the theatrical release. But, claiming some sort of moral primacy on behalf of an administration that has carried governance by deceit and hucksterism to a level unseen since Goebbels — simply is an one more footnote to all the other electoral issues you’ve raised on this site, John.

    Whether it’s faith-based suppressions of science or abusing the electorate with lies about WMD’s, Right-Wing politics have superceded American-style conservatism in the Republikan Party. Coming from a family populated mostly with traditional [and thoughtful] Conservatives, I have a lot of kinfolk who are embarrassed at what passes for truth and ethics on the Right, nowadays.


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