Thanks Marc.

  1. sadtruth says:

    Its Bacon!!!!

  2. McCullough says:

    Great parenting.

  3. matrixghost1286 says:

    Unprocessed Bacon.


    This is how Swine Flu started.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Killing pigs, one kiss at a time.

  5. BertDawg says:

    One source of swine flu?

  6. John Paradox says:

    The Secret of Swine Flu Patient Zero.


  7. satman says:

    I thought it was something good to eat but it’s snot….

  8. Don says:

    Way to build those imunities kid!


  9. Jägermeister says:

    When Paddy-O met Alfred1

  10. Griz says:

    An anonymous tip has led the CDC and WHO to identify Patient Zero of the H1N1 “swine” flu.

    Authorities caution he may be a cute kid, but to steer clear of this dangerous walking pandemic.

  11. jet70 says:

    tastes like pork

  12. bobdobelina says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    [Says one pig to the other pig]

    “Don’t let the kid lick you!!! Oh Petunia, your gonna get soooo sick. Human toddlers are riddled with diseases.”

  14. mix0mat0sis says:

    You B*stard! You’ve killed us all!

  15. noname says:

    Got Milk?

  16. Tim says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  17. ECA says:

    And you wonder how Fetishes START..

  18. ec says:

    He’s prepping for his marriage…

  19. Greg Allen says:

    Corporate Lobbyists (L), GOP (R)

  20. mentor972 says:

    “You B*stard! You’ve killed us all!”

    ..That’s what the picture circulating the net says on it.

  21. Joeevil says:

    I may be two but I’ve had it with life!

    Good bye cruel world!

  22. hhopper says:

    Comments complaining that something is “old” will be deleted. Do you think you’ve seen everything on the Internet? “Old” is relative. I would bet that there are probably over 100,000,000 people who have not seen this photo yet. Give me a break!

  23. LibertyLover says:

    The Governor of [insert state here] welcoming the new stimulus package.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, for the win.

  25. noname says:

    # 28 hhopper

    The mean dictator has spoken, don’t complain or you will be deleted.

    I don’t like that, that’s my complaint.

  26. hhopper says:

    Hey, it’s in the rules.


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