
Reuters AlertNet – Sweden finds mink infected with bird flu virus — Note the sudden emergence of the term “aggressive form.” That can’t be good.

STOCKHOLM, March 27 (Reuters) – Swedish veterinarians have found a mink with an aggressive form of the H5 bird flu virus and had the mammal put down, the National Veterinary Institute said on Monday.

The animal was found in the Blekinge region of south Sweden, an area where several bird flu cases have been found. What is initially described as an aggressive form of H5 bird flu is often later confirmed as the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus.

The mink probably got the disease from eating wild birds which were already infected, the Institute said in a statement.

  1. Emil says:

    Crap! I used to live near Blekinge! I’m in Australia now… Don’t know wich is best…

  2. RTaylor says:

    A few months ago I found my Great-grand parents graves that died in the 1917 pandemic. It wasn’t a traditional mass grave, but large pits were excavated and the individual caskets laid out before backfilling with soil. There was long rows of graves, some with 3 or 4 of the same last name in a row. In that small town over 300 died over a few month period from influenza. We currently have about as effective of treatment as they did. It is scary.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Does this means that we finally found a way to get rid of Jennifer Lopez?

  4. rus62 says:

    This will hit the US soon and then we will have to deal with it. The birds know this is a “world economy” or “new world order” so it’s only politically correct to make sure everyone gets it. So buy your Thanksgiving turkey now and put it in the freezer along with several chickens. Don’t forget the hams as it will spread to the pigs and oh yeah probably the cows too…step aside madcow disease the bird flu is coming.

    On the serious side, this is serious and scary, and I don’t think anyone has any idea how to handle it.

  5. joshua says:

    serious subject…..but I really love the pic of the mink….he/she is sooooooooooooo cool.


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