Fantastic parody of the 6 Million Dollar Man, Renegade, and Knight Rider, produced by Ben Stiller and starring Jack Black (among others).

  1. Zuke says:

    Awesome! Those Stiller and Black are hilarious!

    If they turned that into a TV show, I’D WATCH IT!

  2. Alex says:

    This is an old clip. IMDB says this was made in 1999. Paragon (Vincent Sciavelli) died last year of lung cancer.

  3. SN says:

    Thanks Alex. I was actually guessing mid-90s.

  4. GregAllen says:

    Fox blew it by not picking up this pilot. It would have made a terrific mini-series. It is so obvious, how could they have missed that?

    Is anyone here old enough to remember when the networks would run “summer replacement series”? It was the equivalent of B-Movies for television and, like B-Movies, it had some gems among the crap. And even the crap had followers of the genre.

    Anyway, Heat Vision and Jack would have been great for about 8 episodes and then would have lived on forever as a cult DVD rental.

    Fox blew it.

  5. Dave M. says:

    When has Fox every “got it right”?

  6. Mike says:

    They had this on ages ago.
    I still have 3 episodes of it.

  7. SN says:

    “i guess you’ve never heard of The Simpsons.”

    Yeah, the Simpsons was a great show. But you could also argue that Fox got it wrong by keeping it on the air way too long.

  8. John Brosnan says:

    This looks like a Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Jack Black comedy that certainly would have been too funny for any mainstream network to air for very long. It would have gone the way of Get a Life, The Andy Richter Show, etc. Even Dead Like Me only lasted a couple of seasons. Now if they can just keep Arrested Development on the air.

  9. the "d" says:

    Well all of you abviously didnt hear about garth mereghis darkplace. it was only aired in the Uk i believe, (as im a resident that all i know i guess) but was hilarious as a parody, but had a similar feel in its opening and style


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