Yes, there will be cynics who will believe that I posted this video not so that we may all learn more about an important subject, but simply as an excuse to watch a pretty girl.

  1. jasontheodd says:

    I’m one of those cynics, but I’m not complainin’

  2. akern233 says:

    That has to be the best educational system I’ve ever seen.

  3. Hey Mac says:

    I’m waiting for the ‘couples’ version’ where I am the pole.
    How hard can it be?

  4. BB says:

    “How hard can it be?”
    …that’s what she said

  5. site admin says:


  6. Shane says:

    I have sent the link to my wife. She is always looking for a new workout that she can do at home. 🙂

  7. Bob says:

    That act would go over great in the firehouse. Guys would be lining up to join up!

  8. James Hill says:

    Anything to further corrupt feminism. I love it.

  9. In the King of Queens season 8, episode 1, Doug convinces Carrie to take a poledancing lesson, but when it turns out that she sucks, Doug has to show her how to do it himself. Quite amusing.

  10. Hey Mac says:

    On the other hand, Bob, this could be the reason women aren’t firefighters (mostly)… a 3 alarm call and they wouldn’t get past the pole.

  11. Emery Jeffreys says:

    The audio, if any of you sexist pigs listened, says it’s all about flexibility and strengthening abdominal muscles. Wait a minute I have to scroll back up to see the part about the unmistakable sensual quality.

    I applaud Venus. Many times.

  12. Neodiablo22 says:

    Yea…poll dancing isnt just strip club dance….THE GIRLS NAME IS VENUS!!!! That has X rated written all over it.

  13. Babaganoosh says:

    It’s okay, John. We forgive you.

  14. Babaganoosh says:

    Er…. KB

  15. justin says:

    New Olympic sport?

  16. scooter says:

    learning? no pervert left behind?

  17. Dave Drews says:

    In related news, singer Pink wants to open strip clubs where she also dances in them.


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