So, they’re only arresting guys?

As fashion statements go, the young men’s “sagging pants” look, with trousers slung low enough to reveal a generous swath of boxer shorts, has some lamentable drawbacks.

For one thing, it can veer perilously close to the ultimate wardrobe crisis for a man: a sudden drop of trousers to the ankles. Then there is the legal issue. In this tiny beachfront town [Riviera Beach] 70 miles north of Miami, the look is against the law

Other cities, including Lynwood, Ill., and Flint, Mich., have passed similar measures, but none appear to have pursued violators as energetically as Riviera Beach. Since the law took effect last July, 15 to 20 young men have been charged with violating the ordinance, defense lawyers say.

But with many of the cases pending, the Office of the Palm Beach County Public Defender last week challenged the ordinance on constitutional grounds…

Mayor Thomas Masters, a Baptist minister, said in an interview that Riviera Beach voters “just got tired of having to look at people’s behinds or their undergarments,” but the public defenders argued that sagging pants were a constitutionally protected expression of identity…

On Singer Island, Bart Berling, the owner of Mother Nature’s Cafe, also questioned the sense of outlawing low-slung pants. “I was young in the ’60s, when people started wearing their hair real long,” Mr. Berling said. He does not like the style, he said, “but as long as they ain’t naked, what’s the point?”

IMHO, people have the right to look as silly as they wish to.

  1. Buzz says:

    She looks like a good read.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    “So, they’re only arresting guys?”

    Yep, sounds like a good policy.

  3. bobbo says:

    Obviously, Jim Crow is alive and well in Riviera Beach.

  4. father time says:

    In Israel droopy jeans are de rigueur for girls in their 20s. These girls are already the sexiest females on earth, and their clothing only pushes them further up the scale. Sucks to be you if you aren’t here.

    [Cripes… post some photos. – ed.]

  5. Jägermeister says:

    IMHO, people have the right to look as silly as they wish to.

    In some cases, people need to be told what not to do

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 3 bobbo said, “Obviously, Jim Crow is alive and well in Riviera Beach.”

    Jim Crow didn’t like to look at moron’s asses either?

  7. LA Guy says:

    I wonder what Lasorda’s opinion of Kingman’s performance would be?

  8. zorkor says:

    #No need to push Israel into this topic. The west has already been used by you and now you are making them drool about your girls. 😉

  9. Improbus says:

    That is kind of verbose for a “tramp” stamp.

  10. Dave W says:

    Ah, yes, Florida. Where they successfully charged Jim Morrison for allegedly showing his snake. Looks like they haven’t progressed much since 1969.

  11. UnaKRon says:

    First, shame on you bobbo, this is not a racial issue. My younger sibling does this and is a white male from upper middle class. He is a skateboarder. This type of style is present in several cultures and has no racial bounds. Quit trying to find a hornets nest to stir up.

    If the peace officers are only arresting males or only arresting certain racial groups while letting others slide…then you have a problem.

    Does anyone have an argument that would say this is against the First amendment? We have laws preventing obscene speech, clothing and expression.

    Is it good for a government to do…no
    …is the city imposing our civil right? That’s the question.

    Have any of the local plumbers unions spoken out against this law/ordinance?

  12. dogday says:

    Sure make me feel more guilty for looking at her ass while reading a Bible verse. I’ll just stick to the crackpot stuff on !!

  13. Alex says:

    The real funny part will start when they charge every young male arrested with oversized pants with this crime because they take away their belts before going up to court, so they tend to ride down around their ankles.

  14. atmusky says:

    Appears to be another case of someone who believes having individual rights means they have the right to use Government to impose their personal views on others.

    Someone should be jailed for using government resources to control how someone wares their pants.

  15. Rich says:

    I have the desire to send that picture to my church-going friends. I believe the Evileth of The Curry is rubbing off on me.

  16. Thinker says:

    I’d believe thats a good photo from photoshop. 🙂

  17. Dallas says:

    Guys and girls should dress they way they wish.

    Yet another example of right wingdings wanting the government to institue a dress code. Is there a limit to their insanity? Didn’t these douche bags want to ban long hair and bell bottom jeans during the 60’s and 70’s?

  18. Floyd says:

    #17: The right wingdings were all in the Young Republicans in the 60s and 70s. They missed all the fun…and have been grousing about it ever since.

  19. deowll says:

    I suppose people do have the right to be silly but I’m 58 and you do want me to wear cloths in public and I’m not the only one. There’s just some things young people ought not to have to see until they are a little older.

  20. deowll says:

    Who says good penmanship is dead?

    If the boys in jr. high thought they were going to get to write on that they would all develope great penmanship!

    Yah just got to know how to properly motivate people.

  21. ggore says:

    #14 atumsky, you just gave the perfect, in 100 words or less, definition of a Republican! Thank you very much, well said.

  22. paper banger says:

    Whats wrong with it? An indication that the guy wearing his pants in that manner is ready to drop his drawers for anyone who might want to shove “it” up his rear end. .. This is a civil liberty question to be handled by the homo folks. .. If it turns you on, maybe you should rethink your own identity.

  23. Jeff says:

    If it is not applied equally to races and, or gender then it is an equal protection violation.

  24. Paddy-O says:

    # 23 Jeff said, “If it is not applied equally to races and, or gender then it is an equal protection violation.”

    Like women can’t go topless but men can?

  25. Jeff says:

    Yes, you have a point. It is a violation of the equal protection clause under the 14th amendment.

    Two important points:
    1). There are a number of local regions where men can not go topless. Others where large “men” or those suffering from genetic disorders can not. Finally, pretty much everywhere there is a local policy of no shoes, no shirt and no service.

    2). You can enforce the local laws under obscenity laws. The trouble here is that they are often vague and easy to challenge. Still, you can use local ordinances to enforce policy.

    On the face of it, however, yes, both are violations of the equal protection clause.


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