High school held cage fights, records show – Education- msnbc.com — I think they should have commercialized it rather than hide it.

A Dallas high school staged “gladiator-style” cage fights among troubled students, making them settle their differences with bare-knuckled brawls inside a boys locker room, according to school district documents.

The principal and other employees at South Oak Cliff High School “knew of the practice, allowed it to go on for a time, and failed to report it,” according to a 2008 report revealed Thursday. The fights, unleashed inside a steel utility cage, happened between 2003 and 2005, the report said.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. Zybch says:

    What, no video?

  2. Paddy-O says:

    I remember in H.S. gym that if you started a fight the “coach” would take both guys, get the rest of the class to circle them. Then he’d tell them to go at it. Worked well. Most really didn’t want to go for it. Ended it quickly and under supervision.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Yeah, sounds about right for anything in Dallas. The City of Dallas and DISD (the school district) are REALLY screwed up! On a more serious note, they are lucky that the guys in Oak Cliff were only using their fists!

  4. GregA says:

    We did this at my school as well, behind the gym where the smokers went.

    IIRC, it would go about three rounds then security would show up, like clock work.

  5. sargasso says:

    Not condoning violence, kid brawls are less injurious than football, often end in friendship, and are the fastest way to lay out a territory and to win the recognition of their peers. Not sure about the cage, unless it’s to protect them from the school’s leopard.

  6. Brian says:

    Wow, four posts in favor of fighting – way to go guys. Now on the rare occasion where somebody kids die or injured for life in a fight, are you going to be so ‘supportive’ as well? Not to mention school sponsored fighting – great way to educate your kids. Oh sorry, apparently you came out from this kind of system already.

  7. eaze says:

    we had a cage at school! the whole class would force two unsuspecting victims inside and they would be poked at have beatings thrown at them without getting much of a chance to fight each other, not that they wanted to anyway.

  8. Personality says:

    Everyone is dumber in Texas.

  9. The0ne says:

    Don’t know about the Texas comments myself 🙂 but I’ll take ya-all’s word for it. As for the fights, I think it’s the wrong thing to do. These are kids. They really can’t appreciate being able to forget and forgive. Sure some adults can’t either but kids are like 99.9% They’ll hold the grudge until they either submit in fear or dominate the other.

  10. sargasso says:

    #7. in my day, they fed the losers to wild baboons. They aren’t fussy eaters.

  11. soundwash says:

    -this is just more knee jerk crap the media
    pumps up to distract from “real news”

    seems like a good way to work off differences
    and “extra energy”

    #2 amen to that..

    in 8-9th grade boarding school we used to have
    three round boxing matches held twice a month to “work out differences” in the basement of the science building.

    -in 4th & 5th (’72-’73) grade about 20 of us would go night skiing on weekends at Vernon Valley, Great Gorge from 7pm till 2am unsupervised. we would be given lift tickets, do the buddy system in 2’s and be let lose on the slopes. -never had an incident.

    imagine the horrific and frenzied frothing at the mouth the media would spin into at the thought of unsupervised 4th & 5th graders wandering a mountainside at 1am in the morning..

    -we’re being turned into a nation of pussy’s..


  12. soundwash says:

    now i remember, how did George Carlin put it:

    -the pussification of America?


  13. GregA says:


    Oh you are mistaken, I am in no way advocating violence. I am just pointing out that high school boys had fights just like this 20 years ago. Apparently they have them now. I bet the situation remains much the same way 20 years from now, although somehow different.

    You know, my dad and grand dad had actual boxing classes in phys-ed. It seems things have gotten mildly better over the years.

  14. Santa Maria says:

    Way to go! Hope all school districts do this. Survival of the fittest…

  15. GregA says:


    Naw, we need a round of the mildest possible chemical warfare first. Schools need to start using peanut fragrance, and reintroduce chalk boards. I think that will clear up 80% of the problem.

  16. Santa Maria says:


    Or bring back the draft with no exceptions

    WW2 culled a lot of the weak ones, Vietnam did it to the generation after (although in fewer numbers)…

    The current generation is getting away scot-free… like those “too fat to work” twats posed on the blog yesterday..

  17. deowll says:

    People really like to pretend that this sort of behavior is abnormal.

    It isn’t for young healthy human males.

    It is a normal method for them to sort out who’s dominate in the only way they will actually accept if they will even except this.

    Some insist on upping the anti until they win, get killed, or they kill the other guy and that is actually normal behavior no matter how little we may like it.

    Some people simply will not accept being in second or third place.

    You don’t think so? Then you need to come up with a better explanation for why these guys keep the cops busy.

  18. Alex says:

    Whatever happened to the good-ole’ days when you could whip a guys ass, and then go home and eat a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich?

    I just don’t get it. Oh, Dallas….. they live in their “own” little world.

    Just to let the readers know, I live in Houston, Texas and we don’t carry on like that. In fact, the rest of Texas doesn’t carry on like that.

    Just Dallas; because they are special.

  19. soundwash says:

    #17-deowll wins the thread…


  20. formerteacher says:

    Not all of Dallas it that way for starters and Texans are not stupid. I used to be a teacher myself in a public school that was in a rough neighborhood and cage or not, they will fight and usually with weapons. I have never heard of a school having a cage to do this, but there is a first time for everything.

    People can be ignorant and say Dallas is stupid but if anyone honestly believes that a school in their own state has not tried some form of this, you are in serious denial.

    After dealing with kids like this no matter where you live as a teacher, believe me you get to a point as one person commented, “survival of the fittest.” Let them at it and if they are dumb enough to do it then let them get their ass beat.

    Also, don’t just blame this crap on the teachers to teach these kids between right and wrong and when to fight and when not to fight. The parents should teach their own kids those things. At high school age they know better and teachers should be teaching a subject not right and wrong because different parents have different ways of raising their kids and what a teacher may thing is right, a parent my think is wrong.


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