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Police Drop Bogus Charges Against Bush Protestor
The disorderly conduct charge against Joe Scott was dismissed after witnesses and a videotape contradicted police testimony about his actions.
via K. Burel
(Police bump a protestor into the street with a *HORSE*, then claim he ran away.)
What I don’t understand is why the media almost always drops these stories as if the acquittal resolves anything. It should be only the BEGINNING of the story, with pressure on the police to dismiss and prosecute the officers in question.
The media would be writing about nothing else if that were the orientation.
Can the protestor sue the police here? They should be able to if the police aren’t above the law.
We have excellent local police where I live. What we have seen happening in our area might be happening in your area. A number of local communities are getting rid of the local police or studying the concept. This follows a pattern of regionalism in planning and greater contol over local affairs by the state government. I support my local police, because like I learned a long time ago, all politics is local. We don’t need any goon squads running around. It seems to me that the police state is corporate in design and corrupt as a result. Just my humble observation, for what it is worth. The police aren’t above politics.
The “Police State” claim is ridiculous. Police remember things differently all the time, or exagerate to backup their arrest. It had nothing to do with politics at all.
The officer probably hit him with her horse by mistake, then believing he was causing trouble anyway, said he had “run away”. It’s bullshit, but it happens all the time. The guy was lucky there was videotape.
America is a Police State. Cops lie and steal every day . Because cops lie, you can be
arrested at any time for any reason. Americas police state is only to protect the wealthy
power elite. .