Surprise Asteroid Just Buzzed Earth — This was the size of a 10-story building.

Sky-watchers in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands welcomed a surprise guest earlier today: an asteroid that passed just 41,010 miles (66,000 kilometers) above Earth.

Discovered only days ago, asteroid 2009 DD45 zipped between our planet and the moon at 13:44 universal time (8:44 a.m. ET). The asteroid was moving at about 12 miles (20 kilometers) a second when it was closest to Earth.

“We get objects passing fairly close, or closer than this, every few months,” Timothy Spahr, director of the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center in Massachusetts, said in an email.

“Also, though, note these are only the ones that are discovered. Many more pass this close undetected”—as asteroid 2009 DD45 nearly did.

Astronomers didn’t notice the oncoming asteroid until February 28, when it showed up as a faint dot in pictures taken at the Siding Spring Observatory in Australia.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    This is what happens when you elect a black president. Doesn’t anybody learn the lessons of Hollywood movies?

    The president is always black when earth gets hit by an asteroid!

  2. That would not have killed us all! To everyone out there who would like to know the truth on allot of things, please go to my website at if there is a planet you should be scared of, it is Planet Nibiru which is on its way and will cause major earth destruction! And then some.

  3. ssbigdog says:

    hey guys. im a virgin and i love to read blogs about asteroids and comment on them! gee its dandy! @(o)_(o)@ look i made a monkey!!! yay!


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