How should I put this? The video contains colourful language.

  1. RBG says:

    “Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards.”

    “We don’t want yellow cowards in this Army. They should be killed off like rats. If not, they will go home after this war and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men.”

    George S. Patton

    I suspect wars have used this type of language even before Attila The Hun. I submit that any reference to the insensitive or inferior “American style” is pure politics as usual.


  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #59, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, Leading Troll Extraordinare, and Asstrologist

    # 56 Mr. Fusion said, “The UCMJ includes all international as well as local law.”


    Umm, no it doesn’t.

    Would you have any sources to back that up? I hate doing your homework for you since you never appreciate it.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 63 Mr. Fusion said, “Would you have any sources to back that up?”

    Yeah, read the UCMJ.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #64, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath, Retired Mall Rent-A-Cop, Pretend Constitutional Scholar, Fake California Labor Law Expert, Pseudo Military Historian, Phony Climate Scientist, Leading Troll Extraordinare, and Asstrologist

    Where is the link? Hey, I’ll shorten your search for you, the magic number is (Article) 134.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    Americans don’t understand iraqi culture, after all our culture is 200+ years old and theirs is 2000+ years old.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #65 You’re an idiot.

    Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.

    Where’s the part about following ALL international law?

  7. Let me elaborate further. Most of these PU**Y comments are coming from GENERATION-X people (not real males) posting at the computer in mommy’s basement, unching
    on Cheetos by the bagful, and sucking down one 64 oz double sugared BigGulp after another.

    No doubt, Pacific Northwest, tatooed, pierced, goateed, Software Engineers!


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