(Click photo to enlarge.)


Elaine Davidson, recognized by Guinness World Records as the most pierced woman, has dramatically increased the amount of decorative metal attached to her body.

She was first recognized by Guinness in 2000 with 462 piercings — with 192 on her face alone — and now just nine years later she has more than 6,000.

Davidson reportedly has 1,500 of them that are “internal.”

1500 internal??? Cripes! What a woman will go through to make herself pretty. Har!

Found by MJ.

  1. Nimby says:

    I’m pretty sure I was behind her in line at the metal detector at O’Hare…

  2. Faxon says:


  3. mv says:

    She should follow Mark Twain’s advice by swallowing a crowbar and stopping with it.

  4. BigBoyBC says:


  5. brm says:

    She has 500 genital piercings. PICS PLZ.

  6. roastedpeanuts says:

    6000 piercings effectively means she cannot fly. Maybe they would put her through the x-ray machine to help put an end to this insanity.

  7. chris says:

    Is there really a difference between a few hundred and thousands?

  8. Miguel Correia says:


  9. BubbaRay says:

    Hope she never meets Mr. MRI machine.

    brm said, “She has 500 genital piercings. PICS PLZ.”

    Oh, no, by all that’s good and holy, please no!

  10. RTaylor says:

    This is a consequence of shutting down so many inpatient mental health facilities.

  11. QB says:

    How do you make love to a porcupine?

    Very carefully.

  12. Stephanie says:

    I wonder how much weight 6,000+ piercings would add? And how would you have the time to keep them all clean? That’s just gross…

    Hep C anyone?

  13. ROB says:

    Someone should kill her for the scrap metal value.

  14. KD Martin says:

    # 12 Stephanie said, “I wonder how much weight 6,000+ piercings would add? And how would you have the time to keep them all clean? That’s just gross…”

    Well, at 1/10 oz. per gizmo, that would be 600 oz., or roughly 37.5 lbs. Geez!

    At 1/20th oz. it’s still 18.75 lbs. Ouch!


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