• Microsoft starts to screw up Windows 7. It begins!
  • Kindle text-to-speech is not going to ruin audio book business.
  • Dell earnings slide 48-percent. How?
  • Microsoft is slashing pay for contractors.
  • New chip technology designed not to work right. Error-prone chips somehow improve battery life.
  • Google lets you add pictures to street view.
  • Judge makes person give up password to laptop.

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  1. lock_down says:

    John, where can I get that banjo sample you use?

    Even though there are loads on the net, the one you use is the best.

  2. ECA says:

    DELL should be SHOT.
    I have a customer that has a DELL dim 8200, look it up. it has RD RAM in it..
    dell sells 1 gig of RDRAM for $300
    Looking around the net, I found it for $187
    Using standard RAM for $187, I could top out most systems.
    they made 4 models with this ram..Im sorry if you have one.

  3. dusanmal says:

    “Error-prone chips somehow improve battery life.” – very reasonable and effective technology if applied where great precision is not needed. Just the wrong title. Actual technology is better described as “Lazy chips do less work and save energy” or “Less energy spent, sloppier results received” which should be quite obvious.

  4. QB says:

    #1 I wonder too. It would be a great sound for a continuos integration build server.

  5. Randomized says:

    If Stella can get her groove back twice, Dell can do it at least once.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    I think these tech stories that don’t make much sense, are the results of the media laying off good reporters, and keeping the boss’s college dropout son or nephew, on the writing staff. Or maybe they’re trying out news composing software that’s designed like those error-prone chips. It saves a lot or money reporting things wrong, that a competent reporter would waste too much time getting right! After all, news is just there to fill up the space between adverts, right? It’s not like news is rocket science.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Let’s all just hold onto XP or Vista, until Windows 10 (aka “Win-OSX”) comes out. They ought to have gotten it “right” by then. And all the proposed features of Longhorn, will finally be in there. After all, WinXP was just “Windows 5” labeled “Xp” to compete with “MacOS-X”. So when Windows actually reaches its Tenth version for REAL. Then it ought to be REALLY good, right?

    After Win3.1, Microsoft stopped using real version numbers, and resorted to years, like the automakers did. And then glitzy names like ME, XP and Vista. Now they’re back to “7” because it’s a lucky number? Like in shooting Craps, at Vegas? Expect to seem Win-7 marketed with lots of gambling icons. Dice, high value poker chips, Roulette and Craps table felt. Just what we need. A tie-in to another dying institution. Whose got the money to just throw away, anymore? Warren Buffet? After “Seven”, Microsoft will probably copy Apple and Linux, and try using animal names. Awesome Antelope?
    Bountiful Badger?

    Imagine buying five year old wine, labeled “Wine-1940”, and thinking, “Wow, this must be great stuff if it’s 69 years old”. And they charge more for it, because of the label, but it’s still a fairly “green” vintage. This kind of misleading product labeling is what we’ve been getting for a while now. And I think the whole economic “downturn” represents the general customer disillusionment with product marketing.

    We know, we’re being jerked around. So we hold off until improving the goods for real, is the makers’ last resort to maintaining their sales. Windows-XP can’t only improve with age. Vista too. So why risk trying the “green” stuff, out on your important affairs. You see? The wine analogy works quite well.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Oops! “Windows-XP CAN only improve with age”. Sorry about that typo. But it’s very late (or early) here.

  9. QB says:

    Here’s a pretty good list of changes in Windows 7 between the Beta and RC.

  10. Improbus says:

    I have a $4000 credit line with Dell that I plan on using NEVER. As a company they suck balls and their computers a mediocre at best. I think I will just go back to building mine from scratch with custom ordered parts.

  11. ECA says:

    EVERY computer I have seen, BOUGHT by NON-TECHIE customers, has winXP and 256megs..
    I dont know if this has changed, but I THINK ITS WRONG to sell a computer that hasnt the proper HARDWARE needed to run the OS..

  12. poker says:

    I want windows 7 keygen. Can u help me buddy if you people have then send me on maxmac4u@gmail.com. Please don’t forget. I knew something about this os. its better then vista and windows 7.


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