I know, I know. The idiots and bad apples are a small fraction of the whole. That should be comforting to the families of those who are killed by them.

Cop kills man during high-speed chase over tinted windows:

A Jacksonville traffic cop was speeding after a vehicle with excessive window tint when the officer plowed into a pickup truck, killing an 86-year-old man last month, the Florida Highway Patrol said Tuesday night.

Officer Marcus Kilpatrick was driving an estimated 98 mph when his patrol car struck the truck driven by Matthew Brice Ogden Jr. on Merrill Road Jan. 14. Ogden, who was not wearing a seat belt, was thrown through the passenger window of his vehicle and died at the scene. The road has a posted speed limit of 40 mph.

Lt. Bill Leeper, a spokesman for the Highway Patrol, said a traffic homicide investigator told him Tuesday night about the traffic violation targeted by Kilpatrick. Having windows dark enough to obstruct the driver’s view or be a safety issue for police is a civil infraction under state law. There are different measurements of tint for side and rear windows. The infraction is considered a nonmoving violation.

Man dead after tasering for holding a stapler:

An RCMP officer has testified he was sure Robert Dziekanski intended to harm the Mounties called to Vancouver’s airport in October 2007.

Const. Gerry Rundel told the public inquiry into the death of Dziekanski that the stapler the Polish man was holding could have been used as a weapon against the officers or members of the public.

Rundel testified earlier this week that he feared for his safety when Dziekanski turned toward the officers clenching the stapler

Don’t even THINK about reporting a crime on cop poker night:

A pensioner who went to a police HQ over a burglary yards away was sent home – because 14 cops there were playing poker.

Graham Hall, 69, was told the building was shut – and a guard gave him a fridge magnet with a non-emergency number. The former financial adviser said: “I’m flabbergasted. You can’t even report a crime at police HQ.

“A crime was committed on their doorstep but not one person could be bothered to come out to talk to me because they were gambling. They would rather play cards than catch criminals.”

  1. bobbo says:

    “Cop kills man during high-speed chase over tinted windows” /// Yea. I don’t know why, but this strikes me as funny. The human condition. Is everything I think important just tinted windows?

    The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades.

  2. horacesmiley says:

    There ought to be a website — a news “aggregate” website — devoted to just these stories.

  3. Paul says:

    DA in Milwaukee years ago investigated after hearing a report that no cops in a suburb seemed to be anywhere on Saturday mornings.

    Seems the entire force, save for a skeleton crew, were participating in Ku Klux Klan meetings.

    Milwaukee, WI, suburb. Not the deep south.

  4. Improbus says:

    I don’t need more reasons to hate the police and the “justice” “system”.

  5. MikeN says:

    I know I know. Criminals who walk are just a small fraction of the whole. That should be comforting to the families of those who are killed by them.

  6. RBG says:

    Man dead after tasering for holding a stapler:

    You could equally and truthfully have headlined:

    Man dead after cop sits on man’s neck with knees.

    Or even:

    Man dead after cop scratches his nose.


  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    While unfortunate, the first case I agree with. The windows are illegal. When the car didn’t stop, the cop can reasonable assume that they are trying to hide from a larger crime. And maybe they were.

    For this one I totally blame the car that ran, not the cop chasing it. It might have started as tinted windows, but quickly became a felony escape along with a multitude of traffic offenses. Let’s blame the cause, not the cop doing his job.

  8. Li says:

    #9 How about reading the license plate, and getting a warrant to search the fleeing driver’s residence? No fun-fun car chase, but fewer dead bodies too. . .

  9. Steve says:

    # 10, I concur. Most cities have rules restricting high-speed chases. Cowboys/cops get off on the adrenalin rush which is alot more exciting than the real work of taking the plate # and doing the leg-work.
    A small fraction of a large number is another large number.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Li,

    And if the car is stolen? What if they are armed bank robbers, vicious home invaders, carrying 500 lbs of cocaine, or counterfeit CDs? What if it is an irate driver with his kidnapped ex in the car?

    This is one of those instances where you become automatically guilty until proven innocent. Trying to outrun the cops is not smart and in almost every case, was for a minor traffic violation to begin with. I would rather the cops stopped the runners before they cause damage.

    I follow and understand your point. But again, don’t blame the cop doing his job. Blame the criminal running.

  11. Buzz says:

    “To Self-Protect. And To Self-Serve.”

  12. deowll says:

    Some of these are very bad and some are less hard to understand. Some heavy duty staplers can shoot staples like a nail gun can shoot nails.


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