09.02.22 Sunday – Episode #74
John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an International Perspective.
- The blackout for New Zealand
- President Obama’s lawyer
- Santelli’s rant and media companies
- George Soros and the demise of the economy
Queue / Cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!
Running time: approx. 94 mins.
love the new graphic LOL
So I see that the NZ blackout that they both mocked has worked – ‘Prime Minister John Key has announced the controversial Section 92A law, which has been widely condemned by internet users, is to be delayed.’
The irony that this campaign got 2 podcasters talking about something on the other side of the world seemed to pass Adam and John by.
when the whole world is gitmo nation, john can be in gitmo classic.