IBM files Matrix style bullet dodging patent | The Firearm Blog — Yeah, right.

The patent proposes a system where an external device monitors the area for incoming projectiles. If it detects a projectile headed near a person hooked into the system it can either shock their muscles in order to move their body a particular way to dodge the bullet, Neo style, or it could simply make the intended target collapse.

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Steve says:

    Imagine a gun fight between two wearing these systems. All spastic with bullets going everywhere, hitting everything and everyone, except the intended.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    kinda like a gang related drive by…………..

  3. ECA says:

    Considering the speed of a bullet, and the speed of sound. This is very difficult.
    Even if they use a LIGHT wave based system/micro wave, or what ever..
    Unless you have 1 second to will be hit.

  4. dusanmal says:

    Kind of agreeing with ECA…

    Scientific estimate:

    Speed of the typical bullet (M16) 1000 m/s
    Speed of typical neurological response 10 m/s

    Assume light speed measurement of the bullet trajectory and instant determination of how the human needs to move (unrealistic).

    Signal in human body will need to travel distance of about 1m. Time 0.1s.

    In 0.1 s bullet will travel 100 m.

    So if shooter is at the typical distance (less than 100 m) target is dead and this system may make it twitch a bit later.

    System is useful only if calculation can be made under 0.01 s, measurement using lasers (light speed) and shooter is at sniper distance (100+ m).

  5. brm says:

    I love these nondescript patent drawings.

  6. nomadwolf says:

    Pretty clear in the Slashdot posting (which quotes the patent), that this is primarily protection from sniper-fire, which may be 2-4 seconds flight-time away.

    Not quite intended for close-quarter combat.

  7. soundwash says:

    what kinda of crap is this..?

    i can see many just dying to false-trigger the
    system just for a good laugh..

    wonder if a spitball would do it.. ;p

    -so those with pacemakers or heart conditions need not apply?

    as for the reaction times… seeing as how the patent makes a general statement of using EM
    waves..if they use scalar waves it should work.

    -provided they can make the human “drop”
    in the right direction. *smirk*

    seems to me, using regular EM waves would kinda be easy to jam. -especially given the amount of data leaks and corp espionage going on these days..

    personally, i think its a cover for a remote tasing device. (think discipline)

    look into the the GEMSTONE project and recent *smart dust* tech coming out of MIT, -all nanotech variants. (add resonant nanotech too)

    me thinks there is more than
    meets the eye here.

    -going back to sleep

  8. danijel says:

    I see this as a typical army patent. Imagine, if you will, a platoon of soldiers walking up to a village with a church tower with an enemy sniper in it.

    So yea, the uses are pretty limited and it may not work 100% of the time, but statistically it may be worth it…

  9. ECA says:

    Even with EM, you would need a light speed signal at the VERY least..and I can see you GLOWING NOW..

    8, yep..GREAT for LONG LONG range snipers, but NOT REALLY for anything close.

    And Im not talking about bullets ABOVE the speed of sound..(yes they have them).

    I just want to see the contortions this thing would PUT someone into..
    LOCK this muscle, RELEASE this one…IT DONT WORK THAT would have to be FULLY PUPPET like to have THIS THING move you around…Or get whiplash and a broken back..

  10. deowll says:

    They can’t be using sound detection because that is much to slow.

    They would have to use radar to detect the bullet but even then the person isn’t going to be able to move fast enough to matter; a normal center fire rifle round is going to be moving at about 2,700 feet per second. Moving you out of the path of something moving that fast would require enough force to kill you.

  11. Dallas says:

    Ahhhh. This explains Dick Cheney’s strange behavior.

    He wore an beta version and not due to the four sticks up his ass his handlers were saying.

  12. soundwash says:


    -i agree on the light speed signal comment.
    however, if you dig into scalar theory, it allows “instant” communication -anywhere. there is much precedence for usage, (the technology in general) esp by the russians in the 60’s via CIA FOIA documents..

    (nutshell: one could posit that alot of scalar theory has to do with operating in the 4th dimension, -time. -which a simplistic kindergarten answer might say: time happens everywhere, all in the same moment, all the time.) -i’ll leave it at that.

    tbh, i think its the patent is an absurd notion..

    “hi, mind if we hook into our remote tasing protection system to protect you from ballistic threats unknown..”

    -please. this is either just patent trolling, a way to get stocks to rally, or a cover story for something much bigger that will no doubt, allow IBM to bid/acquire a hugely overpriced pentagon contract..

    “I just want to see the contortions this thing would PUT someone into..
    LOCK this muscle, RELEASE this one…IT DONT WORK THAT would have to be FULLY PUPPET like to have THIS THING move you around…Or get whiplash and a broken back..”

    -exactly the point. -however, if they got the patent, then supposedly, they demonstrated a working system. *shrug*

    the BIG question is this: will it protect you from energy weapons… like the ADS2 Riot Breaker:

    its nothing to change these microwave weapons
    into killing machines by changing the frequency and wattage they transmit at. -and with a minimum of (official) 500 meter range,
    seems to me it makes this current patent a moot point when it comes to directed energy weapons.

    -and these ADS gizmos are pretty common. i’ve seen them on almost every NYC ESU(SWAT) truck to date.



  13. RTaylor says:

    This could work if a rocket could fire in a micro second and propel the user up at about 50+ G’s. Of course they would rain down as meat loaf afterwards. If IBM could bend physical laws I would think the stock price would be a bit higher.

  14. Ron Larson says:

    Idiots! It is designed to duck flying shoes.

  15. Steve S says:

    dusanmal said,
    “Speed of the typical bullet (M16) 1000 m/s
    Speed of typical neurological response 10 m/s”
    “System is useful only if calculation can be made under 0.01 s, measurement using lasers (light speed) and shooter is at sniper distance (100+ m).”

    Ahh but you didn’t see the next IBM patent filing:
    “Increasing the neurological response of a human being by implantation of nanoprobe technology.”
    Resistance is futile….

  16. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Regarding bullet velocity and the speed of sound: the average high-powered rifle bullet has a muzzle velocity around 860 meters per second ( 2800 fps ) while the speed of sound in air is around 340 meters per second ( 1115 fps ).

    The crack of the bullet is the sonic “boom” of the bullet travelling faster than the speed of sound as it leaves the muzzle.

    For some intersting photos, google sonic boom. For an airplane nut, these images were awesome.

  17. Nimby says:

    Simple application of quantum physics. The devices are paired with all bullets ever (or that will be) manufactured. Thus, they instantaneously know when a bullet has been fired and where it will be in a few microseconds. This will work fine until the enemy perfects a system to pair it’s bullets with every soldier that is (or ever will be) an enemy. Then, even if the original device jerks or collapses the soldier, the bullet will know this instantly and have been already re-aimed accordingly. Of course, the original device know this and will not bother to jerk the body around thus avoiding the re-aimed bullet. But, obviously the bullet will know this, too, and will not re-aim … and … and … and … I need a drink.

  18. doctawally says:

    Ok — I used to work at IBM. They pay you big bucks for each thing you can think of to file a patent on. So guys sit around and brainstorm stuff to patent. Voila…

  19. Glenn E. says:

    If any of these crackpot ideas are seriously being proposed and developed for real. It not for fighting future wars against nations. But future wars against ones own impoverished citizens. This will be the defense technology of the rich, against the poor. Who decide it time to take back what was robbed of them thru legal trickery. And the Black Water private armies of the corporate robber barons, will have this stuff at their command, against the citizens’ outmoded guns and bottle bombs.


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