• Today is Darwin Day. Hooray for the Darwin Awards. Nothing came of it.
  • Space traffic congestion seems to need money.
  • I’m galled by new words such as Twestival and Nettop box. Find out what they are!
  • Does Twitter need an explanation?
  • Babies who gesture have bigger vocabulary.
  • NVidia Picobox now out.
  • Can you downgrade Win 7 to XP? Experts want to know.
  • Microsoft putting huge bounties on virus writers.
  • PHP under attack.
  • Google Buys Paper Mill to convert it to a server farm.
  • Pioneer lays off 10,000.
  • What’s an “extra-communist?”

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  1. amodedoma says:

    Wow, google bought a paper mill in finland to turn into offices. I wonder if it’ll smells better or worse.?

    M$ couldn’t keep me from downgrading Vista to XP (and making some extra money thank you M$), I don’t see how windows7’s gonna be any different.

  2. stop says:

    The leads from Mr. Burns or Family Guy are extremely annoying. So is the rooster and music and the “comments” inbetween by Stewie.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    #3 – The leads from Mr. Burns or Family Guy are extremely annoying.

    I agree with you about some of them. They can be a bit jarring, too. All except the one that goes “It’s Totally Awesome!!”. BTW, it’s “The Simpsons” and not the “Mr. Burns” show. Sheesh.

    About the 12th of Feb. I was educated to remember that this date was Lincoln’s birthday. And I went to public schools. Darwin’s birthday was never treated as any big deal. And one wonders why it’s become so now, for only a small faction of the broadcast and publishing media?

    Could it be, oh I don’t know, perhaps to combat this slip back to more religious explanations of life, in the Texas public schools. Better whip up another Monkey trial, you Darwinists of the press. Your side is losing ground. And I don’t think the next Da Vinci Code sequal will make any difference.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Yeah NASA always comes out with these ways to justify their annual budget proposal. EVERY SPRING! If it’s not meteor collision prevention, it’s to prevent something else from crashing into something else. When did NASA get to be a Traffic Control arbitration service? Since exploring space has gotten too boring, I guess. They never should have let the Star Trek franchise go on hiatus. Didn’t they learn this back in the 70s?

  5. ctorres4745 says:

    I thought the sound clips were funny. Keep using them!


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