Two young children are to be adopted by a gay couple, despite the protests of their grandparents.
The devastated grandparents were told they would never see the youngsters again unless they dropped their opposition. The couple, who cannot be named, wanted to give the five-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister a loving home themselves. But they were ruled to be too old – at 46 and 59.
For two years they fought for their rights to care for the children, whose 26-year- old mother is a recovering heroin addict. They agreed to an adoption only after they faced being financially crippled by legal bills.
The final blow came when they were told the children were going to a gay household, even though several heterosexual couples wanted them.
#24 bobbo:
“that raises a drug addicted kiddie should be looked at more closely than a similar person who has not.”
So we give the children to someone who has never raised a kid? How do we know they’ll be good parents?
Besides, raising a drug addicted kid does not mean you’re a bad parent. At some point a person’s actions are their own, not their parent’s.
#31–brm==BUY A CLUE!!!!!
Read Post #10. Doesn’t this “smell like” something else NOT reported is going on??????
While I don’t know the English system, I assume a civil authority is EXACTLY making a decision with the best interests of the kiddies in mind==PS, that speaks against a family maintaining their natural rights.
You are stuck on these Grandparents being “the family” of these kiddies. No facts are presented that is the case. In America, from the mother’s arrest, the kiddies would have been in foster care, often the worst of the three common situations (family relations, foster, adoption).
brm–you obviously care. Now just think a bit better and stop making so many assumptions when NONE OF US have sufficient facts.
Silly Bunny.
This story has not appeared on the standard BBC RSS feed yet (2300 UK time).
I agree with a lot of others here. There must be more to this story than the grandparents age and angina/diabetes.
Holding their access to their grandchildren to ransom over the condition of agreeing with a homosexual family unit though I think is disgusting.
No mention of the mothers stance in this issue either. Another example of fine reporting.
I’m with #8. I hate this story.
In related news, caught the tale end of some report that that “Adolf Hitler” birthday cake kid and his siblings were taken away from their aryan brotherhood nutbag parents.
Bad parenting, over-involved parenting, or just bad politics?
Holy good crap!!! Can’t anyone here read the effen article???
The grandparents were denied custody because they are not in good health. Either of them.
The court and newspaper should never have mentioned that the couple getting to adopt the children are gay. That is irrelevant.
That the mother is a heroin addict is also irrelevant to the story.
That there are other couples is also irrelevant.
That Cow-Paddy commented is a tragedy. He is truly obnoxious.
In all adoption cases the courts find what is best for the child(ren). It is not an agenda of taking children from a loving parent in tough times. It is not ignoring the love grandparents or other family members can give, but the quality of care they can give.
Here the court has made it clear that the grandparents can’t be considered. So in their frustration they are claiming (note, they, not the court) the adoptive couple are gay. True or not, it doesn’t matter. They were appraised as the best.
Please people. The stories have more interesting stuff in them than the headline does. Plus, you won’t look like Cow-Paddy if you actually know a little.
#8 , #35
I give you credit for the creative substitution of the word ‘god’ replaced with ‘nature’. This makes your opinions appear more ‘scientific’.
I think that gay parents are DEFACTO better….they will teach tolerance and acceptance of others, and will raise the kids in a progressive household. We don’t need more conservatives in the world. I’m glad to see that the court is doing something to turn back the tide of barbarians.
#8 This all goes back to the ‘gay penguins’ debate. Gay male parenting in not uncommon in nature. How can it be unnatural?
Where can I sign up? We were such dolts for rebelling. I want a recount. In fact, I want to be the Queen. I am lovable and capable. Off with their heads.
>>I think that gay parents are DEFACTO better….they will teach tolerance and acceptance of others, and will raise the kids in a progressive household. We don’t need more conservatives in the world.
Yeah, right. May I congratulate you for saying one thing then disproving it in the same argument. Clearly you have been eating to many ass-muffins.
My only concern is that I outlive my dick.
man, the UK has turned in to a queer, progressafarian, leftwing nut job wingnut mecca….
Haha, the Google Ad Sense is in high gear for this topic.
No wonder all the men in England have bad teeth…No brushing after accumulating all that feces from blowing each other after anal sex…
#46 No wonder all homophobic American men are so unbelievably stupid. All that shithouse beer bubbling up into tiny brains causing them babble inanely about ‘conservative values’ and ‘anal sex’, which only serves to highlight their own ignorance, fear and probable latency.
What’s next ?
If you are old and senile will your pets be taken away from you ?
“Logan’s Run”
First of all, and most importantly, 46 and 59, AINT OLD! Secondly the sexual orientation of adopted parents is irrelevant, unless they make a media circus out of it.
algore man, the UK has turned in to a queer, progressafarian, leftwing nut job wingnut mecca….
Or at least that is what the Dail Mail wants you to believe….
When reading anything in the Mail you have ton consider that this is a newspaper that makes Fox News look it has been produced by the Sociology Department at the University of Fluffy Animals and Global Love. According the Daily Mail’s editorial stance, Ann Coulter and her ilk are all volvo-driving, lattee drinking, sandle wearing sexual deviants whose political correctness has gone mad and is probably RIGHT NOW leading an army of HODDED YOUTH and EASTERN EUROPEAN immigrants into YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD to steal your pension, get you pregnant, then force you to have an abortion.
Like some of the less errudite posters on this board, the Mail often thinks that the best way to get a point across is the USE ALL CAPS and it is famous for its often large headls that will often read something along the lines of HOMESEXUAL ARMY OF IMMIGRANTS INVADING BRITAIN then add in small print somewhere “according to some bloke down the pub who seemed to have too much to drink anyway”.
#37-Fusion.. Interesting concept.
yes, I read the effen article, it states the man has suffered from anginas and his wife is diabetic, hardly what I would call discapacitating illness. I would also tend to agree with the grandparents opinion about a maternal presence. Just the opinion of a parent of 3.
#53–amodedoma==attitude check: once you know that a civil authority has reviewed the case, received evidence on the capabilities of all the potential alternative care givers, is it your position that more often than not the civil authority will make the wrong decision, that the civil authority is motivated to break-up families.
Why do you think the civil authority in England is interested in breaking up the family? What do you think their master plan is?
I think civil autority like political authority or military authority, is blind, brutal, and irreflexive. I’ve seen it time and time again. I’m not saying this is the case here, but based solely on the available information, it certainly looks like it.
#55, Amod,
Would your opinion be changed if you knew the grandfather was on disability because of the angina or the grandmother has been repeatedly hospitalized because of her diabetes?
In other words you don’t know. The only information has been from the grandparents. The newspaper releasing this story is notorious for (ahem) making up stories or exaggerating the truth. The court and social services would not release any of this information because it is irrelevant to making a decision and considered private.
So where is the evidence that the adoptive couple are actually homosexuals and not, as someone might have said sarcastically, gay as a pejorative?
#55–amarangadingdong==irreflexive huh? I thought I knew what that meant, but I must be wrong.
Do you know what a tool is? or rather “being a tool” means?
So, what is your alternative plan to using the blind, brutal, and irreflexive intervention of the civil authority===leave everything to remaining family members, neighbors, and drive by pedophiles?
Another good laugh. This is looking like a bright Thursday.
#6 Let’s start investigating ALL families to determine who has the right to keep their kids and who doesn’t. We could start an entire government department to run it.