Daylife/AFP/Getty Images

If you thought being governor of Alaska and a new grandmother would be enough to fill the cold, dark nights in the Arctic state, you underestimate Sarah Palin, the failed vice presidential candidate.

Palin has reportedly enlisted the services of Robert Barnett, the Washington lawyer who represented President Obama, would-be President Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton in their multimillion-dollar book deals.

Barnett declined to comment. But a variety of published sources, including the Hollywood Reporter, said that Barnett was on board in helping to sell a Palin book. Presumably, the book would tell her side of the 2008 presidential election, when the GOP nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, plucked Palin out of relative obscurity and offered her the vice presidential spot. Though she was a darling of conservatives and ignited the Republican base whenever she appeared in public, Palin has made it known that she had a difficult time with McCain’s strategists…

Sources close to Palin rejected reports of the $11-million figure and said the governor had not talked to any publisher or given any number…In any case, there is more than money at stake. Palin has been trying to stay in the spotlight, presumably with an eye on 2012, and a book could help her extend her reach beyond Alaska.

Do you think rank-and-file Republicans want her to stay in party leadership?

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. GF says:

    #30 Paddy-O – I meant a leadership position in the Republican Party not the government of Alaska. She didn’t think it wise to do the interview with Katie Couric and neither did I. Had she had any power in the party she would have been able to nix it. As it was McCain’s team committed suicide by NOT listening to her concerns.

  2. DEO says:

    Well, is Palin SHOPPING a deal or was she OFFERED 11 mil?
    Of course, Palin says it is not true, but anything that comes out of her yap is really pointless…IT´S ALL POINTLESS, SARAH…….

  3. DEO says:

    Didn´t SARAH SAY that the biggest mistake McCain made, in all her wisdom, was NOT letting her talk to the press? Would she have talked to ALL OF EM, but just not the dastardly Katie Couric? BECAUSE COURIC is plain evil for asking her to name a supreme court decision or what papers do you read…
    Stop defending the plain indefensable.
    Politicians answer questions, CONVERSATION skills are required.
    Just keep looking into the corsage, GF.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    More evidence on this blog of the newly discovered Palin Derangement Syndrome.

    Why worry about her getting or not getting $11mil for a book deal? Does it really mean that much to anyone other than her or her family? I doubt it.

    I like her but it has nothing to do with politics.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Lyin’ Mike,

    Could you enlighten us to the spelling errors and syntax comparisons? I mean, if you think they are so similar then it stands to reason you have read both books and compared them in detail.

    BTW, you do realize that both Obama and Ayers have denied writing the book together.

  6. #30 – Paddy-O,

    A governor isn’t a leadership position? Really?

    Considering that the state has less than half the population of Manhattan island, perhaps not. Do you think that Scott Stringer is in a position of power? If so, then perhaps you could argue that Sarah Palin is as well. I’m betting though that unless you live in NYC, you probably haven’t heard of Scott Stringer before.

    As I’ve stated before, the brain is the sexiest organ in the human body. Sarah doesn’t have one and is therefore not at all sexy to me. I wouldn’t screw her with your dick.

  7. GF says:

    #33 DEO
    Sarah Palin bothers you a lot. Why? She was part of the team that lost. I’m merely giving a conjecture on why. It’s called political maneuvering and McCain’s team didn’t know how to play their player. If you suck at the running game you switch to a passing game. The Obama team kept Biden as much out of the limelight as they could which was a winning strategy. Whether either of these players are intelligent is beside the point in the game of politics. They do what the team tells them to do. Look, Dan Quayle became Vice President because Bush knew how to play the game.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 GF said, “Paddy-O – I meant a leadership position in the Republican Party not the government of Alaska.”

    If that’s what you meant you haven’t been heard recent discussions in NRCC meetings.


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