India Daily – Dec. 27, 2005:

Files comprising the famous Blue Folder have been declassified a while ago. The prominent Soviet cosmonaut Pavel Popovich got the folder from the KGB in 1991. These days Mr. Popovich holds the position of honorary president of the Academy of Informational and Applied Ufology. The folder contains numerous descriptions of UFO flights and reports on some (mostly failed) attempts taken by the military in order to catch the aliens.

Researchers believe the Blue Folder is an invaluable source of information. According to Mr. Azhazha, all reports and evidence on record indicate that intelligent life forms control the objects that mean no harm to human beings. At least no case of an attack by UFO against man was found in the folder.

Yeah, but didn’t these people also believe in Communism too?!

  1. Mike Voice says:

    …and reports on some (mostly failed) attempts taken by the military in order to catch the aliens.

    “mostly failed” ?? isn’t that like being a “little” pregnant?

  2. gquaglia says:

    Do you really think our government would tell the mostly clueless populous that UFOs exsist. The bigest hit would be to religion which is geo-centric and doesn’t account for any other life besides ours. You have to remember many believe the bible verbatum and would not be able to cope with such a contradiction.

  3. Elvis Ripley says:

    So did they catch any or not?

  4. godsgeek says:


    I do believe that the Bible can be believed as written AND I know that UFOs exist.

  5. Steve Newlin says:

    godsgeek, thanks for proving something for me. The ability of the religious to believe in BS knows no bounds, even logic.

  6. Pat says:


    Just because of you, I will never again read another post while drinking coffee. You made me laugh so much I still have coffee dripping from inside my nose. And that ain’t a funny picture.

    Maybe aliens would be the “intelligent design” some right wing nut religious basket cases are promoting. In which case, that would explain your acceptance of both religion and aliens.

    But that was still pretty funny. Not the coffee thing, that isn’t funny. But the bible and aliens together is.

  7. Of cource UFO’s exist, Unidentified Fly Objects, but that does not mean they are from outerspace. If I was to build a plan and fly it with out registring it, I would be flying a UFO by definition since it would be unidentified. I would put some money on some of these UFO’s were just US spy plans, and I am sure many (if not all) UFO’s from the cold war era that was saw in the US were just USSR spy plans, so to try to catch a UFO will not get you an alian.

  8. James Hill says:

    This thread gave me a good laugh as well: Liberals jumping on the UFO bandwagon to knock conservatives.


  9. John Wofford says:

    Like I said, we need a good, solid brand of personal space ship. WE could then become our own UFO’s, flying about the solar system, hunched over our space-bourne word processors frantically churning out UFO reports by the millions. We could even…uh, sorry, I really shouldn’t drink coffee late at night.

  10. godsgeek says:

    I forgot I had even commented here until just now.

    Pat, glad I could supply you with some amusement for the day, but it would help if you read what I wrote and didn’t try to interpret it. I never said I believed in aliens, just UFOs.

    Michael got my point.


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