Meaning Of Obama Signs In Downtown Seattle A Mystery – News Story – KIRO Seattle

Dozens of posters near the Space Needle depicting President-elect Barack Obama in whiteface have some people wondering what they mean and others saying the signs are racist.

The black and white posters, with the likeness of Barack Obama and the word “OBEY?” underneath it, were found plastered around the vicinity of the Space Needle on Monday morning.

Seattle resident Michael Boren said he thought the posters were racist, while resident Kenny Brown said he didnt know what message the signs were meant to portray.

This is no mystery. These signs were designed by the same artist who did the HOPE poster. The primary distributor are these folks here. How hard is it to figure this out?

  1. LinusVP says:

    Resistance is Futile.

  2. Jim_s says:

    Actually it looks like someone in the seattle area is making a comment on Shepard Fairy(the guy that designed the obama poster) and Fairy’s initial claim to fame, the 10 year world wide “obey giant” campaign, probably along the lines of Fairy being a sell out…

  3. bill says:

    Engineering Dissent? Kind of like ‘sociological terrorism’ to me.

    We don’t need this SHIT.

  4. andsub says:

    This is simply a take off on the Andre the Giant version plastered all over Seattle…

  5. GF says:

    Is any disparaging comment someone makes about Obama going to be racist now, geeezus.

  6. LibertyLover says:


    Well, what did you expect?

    47% of the American voting populace didn’t vote for him. Of those who voted, how many do you think didn’t vote for him because of racial issues?

    Personally, I didn’t see a racial statement in the poster. I saw somebody trying to say something more sinister — “Obey” as in “Do what I say.” YMMV.

  7. cdigi says:

    It is a Shepard Fairey spoof. He’s also the artist that created the original “HOPE” poster that everyone is knocking off.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    It is a parody of Shepard Fairey’s “OBEY” posters, part of his OBEY empire. And yes, Shepard did the Obama HOPE and CHANGE posters too.

  9. What He Said says:

    #3 – How many voted for him because of race? 5%? Statistically insignificant. Do you think historically THAT’S the problem black candidates have had…too MUCH support? That throngs of folks come out and vote for all black candidates BECAUSE of their race? Dude if being black was a HUGE bonus, we would have more than one out of a 100 black Senators (and Buris is only because of an appointment)…and a line of black Presidents. Hate to break it to you…this may come as a shock…but being black, and with his name especially, is NOT a bonus…this does NOT mean you get MORE votes. For every person that might have voted FOR him because of his race, there were probably 2 that wouldn’t vote for him because of it.

  10. gquaglia says:

    A reference to the Movie “They Live” perhaps?

  11. West Seattle Dem says:

    It’s just part of that pseudo anarchist bored white kid contingent. They come up from Eugene Oregon or Olympia every now and then, and pretend to be outraged about “the man” and the evil control of “the system”. Just dumb bored kids living in their parents basements and pretending to be anarchists, because they saw it in a cool video or on a blog once. Idiots 99% of them.

  12. Marc says:


    Hurr hurr. And who are you, the expert-know-it-all?

  13. MDT says:

    John, I think you are way off, this is a parody of the posters you link to. Most likely because of the “Hope” posters used during Obama’s campaign being created by the same artist.

  14. Travis says:

    The giant obama stickers are worse then the Ron Paul bumper stickers plasterd all over the Atlanta suburbs. I wish people would figure out a better way of trying to fight “the man”. It just looks trashy.

  15. Robert says:

    This is another, thankfully less disruptive, version of the Boston Lite-Brite scare. When people don’t know where it is originating from they place own paranoia on it. We’re still doing the same thing not really knowing what the creator intended, but that’s part of the fun of blogs. If Boren thinks it’s racist he things it’s racist, we are just better informed then he is.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #9, That is the point I was making.

    How many of 47% who didn’t vote for him didn’t vote for him due to race?

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #9, BTW . . . it was a rhetorical question and not really meant to start a debate/argument on the matter.

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–LL==redundant and irrelevant both in such a short post? Well Done.

  19. mentor972 says:

    Simply a take on Andre the Giant stickers that are all over this country on the back of every street sign you pass.

  20. badtimes says:

    I think it looks like #4 and #19 are right.

  21. orangetiki says:

    I would be offended if I was Shepherd Fairey.

  22. Steven Long says:

    I think #11 has the right idea.
    This was likely some weak attempt at making a statement about Obama wanting to be authoritarian, or about him not really being black, or looking at him as the man.

    It doesn’t really matter which of these was the original idea, I feel confident that marijuana and high fives were involved.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 3 bill said, “Engineering Dissent? Kind of like ’sociological terrorism’ to me.

    We don’t need this SHIT.”

    Are your from Europe? The bastion of personal liberties, like freedom of speech?

  24. Breetai says:

    Ya know I just noticed a trend. The only ones who are offended are the rampant supporters of “Big Brother” style government. Which of course is who it’s supposed to offend pointing out what hypocrites they are.

  25. Li says:

    Looks more like Andre than Obama. . .

  26. James Hill says:

    Image the outcry when the first bad thing happens during the BHO administration, and someone makes a poster out of it.

  27. Beonarri says:

    The artist that made the Andre the Giant (or, whatever) Obey posters, also made the blue/red Obama poster. Maybe it’s all an inside joke.

  28. Mr Diesel says:

    #28 pedro

    Too funny


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