Daylife/Reuters Pictures

– or maybe an old enemy?

  1. Miguel says:

    You think *this* is going to be the President of the meek and the oppressed?


  2. guiltywhiteliberal says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. joe says:

    aaah, the classier, more mature, Obama administration begins

  4. Brian says:

    He’s point at George Bush.

  5. Brian says:

    Or is he pointing to McCain?

  6. Brain says:

    No! Make it Bill C.

  7. Sea Lawyer says:

    Considering he was a member of the more moderate New Democrat Coalition, hopefully they don’t find another of the ulta-Liberal loons to replace him in the Congress.

  8. Dummies. He saw his pal Karl!

  9. contempt says:

    That’s just Rham being Rham. Besides who can blame him for taunting Obama after watching him flub the oath of office in front of the entire world.

  10. Kim Helliwell says:

    I thought it was the Chief Justice who flubbed it.

    In any case, Rahm’s gesture occurred before the flub.

  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    You would think that would have been practiced beforehand.

  12. Named says:

    Wasn’t the Chief Justice a Bush appointee?

  13. OmegaMan says:

    yes the CJ was a bush appointee and both Obama and Biden voted against his nomination. Must have been chilly in DC today. :-p

  14. EvilPoliticians says:

    Classy. With the whole world watching on TV he acts like a child.

  15. God says:

    Also, the spam filter is fucked again.

  16. david bennoch says:

    you have a problem with children ?

  17. mj says:

    I like this photo, but why is that girl in the background so terrified?

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    Obama stepped over Roberts on the first bit and then Roberts decided to rearrange the words on the second part. I’d call it a wash on the flub.

    Great speech afterward though.

    As to the picture, I can’t believe politicians can get away with acting like real people these days. We need an inquiry immediately.

  19. EvilPoliticians says:

    # 14 david bennoch – Yes I do. With five of my own I should know.

    # 16 Sea Lawyer – No inquiry needed. His mother will handle this. The speech? Bor-ing. I was waiting for something that demonstrated his speaking skills. Maybe it was nerves?

    The liberal comments about the picture reveal some hypocrisy. Albiet minor but typical. Recall the Bush daughter sticking her tongue out at reporters? At least she actually was a child.

    Before you flame me as a conservative, look at my username. I don’t trust any politician.

  20. EvilPoliticians says:

    Here’s a better one

  21. contempt says:

    #16 Sea Lawyer
    >>I can’t believe politicians can get away with acting like real people these days.

    Of course you are right, but it’s a shame few here wanted to give equal consideration when Karl Rove did the same thing.

  22. father time says:

    #18 – Reagan was obviously playing the drinking game “Bunnies” in that photo, and it would be a crime to suggest otherwise.

  23. brian t says:

    Considering that Rahm was allegedly the model for Josh Lyman in “The West Wing”, I’m guessing he’s talking to the Obama version of C.J. Cregg (press secretary):
    ” Josh: You know what, C.J., I really think I’m the best judge of what I mean, you paranoid Berkeley shiksa feminista! …whoa, that was way too far.
    C.J.: No, no. Well, I’ve got a staff meeting to go to and so do you, you elitist Harvard fascist missed-the-deans-list-two-semesters-in-a-row Yankee jackass! Josh: Feel better getting that off your chest there, C.J.?
    C.J.: I’m a whole new woman.
    Josh: You look like a million bucks, by the way.
    C.J.: Don’t try to make up with me.”

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ah yes, good times. The evil empire is done.

  25. EvilPoliticians says:

    # 23 Mr. Fusion – Yes, the Evil Empire ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Oh. You likely are referring to the former administration. Well. If you enjoy more corporate bailouts, more government intrusions, higher deficits and taxes, then yes, I can see your point. This will be your Golden Age by all means.


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