A nine-year-old girl, allegedly kidnapped by her grandmother, has been found using a mobile phone signal and Google Street View.

A police officer and a firefighter in Athol, Massachusetts, joined forces after authorities were alerted that Natalie Maltais had been taken. Officers used GPS in the girl’s mobile phone to find her approximate location.

They fed the co-ordinates into Google Street View, pinpointing a hotel where the child was subsequently found…

Police officer Todd Neale contacted the mobile phone provider, AT&T, which gave him GPS coordinates every time the phone was activated. Police must submit a compliance form to the phone provider to request location information.

Officer Neale then got in touch with Athol’s deputy fire chief Thomas Lozier who…used mapping software to determine the location of the co-ordinates given to him by Officer Neale over the radio. Then he turned to Google street view. He found the location on Google maps and looked at the Street View, which shows eye-level photographs of the area. That’s when he spotted a nearby hotel.

“I noticed the hotel in the area, and as I was panning the map, I was able to see the road sign at the intersection,” he said.

Officer Neale alerted the Virginia state police, who found the missing child and her grandmother in the hotel as predicted.

Geek coppers and geek firemen rule!

  1. eyeofthetiger says:

    Phones without the GPS feature can be pinged for an approximate location. One of the contributing factors to this fcc law requiring compliance for speedy request is that there was a girl kidnapped from a store. The incident was caught on video. Apparently, it took Verizon something like 24hrs to find the info on where the phone was last tracked. By then the girl was dead. Sooner than later the remote microphone and camera feature will be used in concurrence with these type of situations.

  2. Andy says:

    Sounds very “24” to me, doesn’t it?

    “Chloe, send the satellite feed to my cell phone.”

    “Do it yourself, Jack, you’ve got Google Maps like everyone else!”

    “Dammit, Chloe, we’re running out of time!”

  3. EvilPoliticians says:

    But terrorists use Google Maps. Shut it down before it gets in their hands!

  4. MikeN says:

    So now you support this intrusion on privacy?
    Perhaps we should enable the police to get a real time feed on any cell phone whether in use or not?

  5. chuck says:

    “as I was panning the map, I was able to see the road sign at the intersection”

    – doesn’t Google maps show the street names?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    While this time the GPS tracking was used benevolently, I still don’t want the government to have the ability to track me.

    They also knew the child was with the grandmother. Somehow I get the feeling this is a custody dispute with one of the parents quite unsavory. Since family members are responsible for the vast number of child abductions, they should have known she would eventually come home.

    As criminals become aware of the GPS ability, they won’t use cell phones. Instead see them end up with disposable phones or pay phones.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #5 – chuck

    >>- doesn’t Google maps show the street names?

    Heh heh. BUSTED!!

  8. ECA says:

    Not to be mean, except the fact that in the near future, WHEN will all Mobile/cell phone include a GPS, for tracking YOU!!

    But, when do WE get the rights to CALL BACK those CALLS in the night about buying Insurance/SAT/Car warranties.. YOU WONT.

    I can see it now..You are an Ex-husband and you didnt pay this month, and they TRACK you using your cell.

    AND DONT THINK, that DIGITAL CELLPHONES are Private, ESP. if you are using a bluetooth head set.

  9. Kanjy says:

    #3—There isn’t anything on Google’s Street View that isn’t already visible to the public. I don’t even think they drive down private streets.

  10. GF says:

    # 6 Then they’ll just use OnStar.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, OnStar is subscription only. It can be turned off.


    Google street view doesn’t show the street name but change to the map and it does.

  12. GF says:

    😉 Sure it can Mr. Fusion.

  13. hoohoonick says:

    #6 As far as I am aware, criminals use disposable phones already, because of this reason.

  14. Mr Truth says:

    Before you make comments check the facts guys.

    There is lots of info missing from the story and you all just assume stuff.

    We don’t even know if THERE WAS a kidnap going on.

    For all we know it could be a custody battle and the child and the grandmother hatched a plan to “runaway” together. Most children have close connections with their grandma.

    Perhaps the child isn’t getting the basic needs at home and the only time the child feels wanted is with her grandmother?

    The police when it comes to abuse will usually take the parents side only even though they aren’t suppose to be biased.

    The news media feeds on hype from people like you guys for rating purposes which they are succeding.
    The more ratings they get the more money they get. Simple as that.

    In this economy most media will do anything in their powers including but not limited to stretching the truth to get viewers to read their print.

    You guys make her look like she had a gun and forced ransom or the parents will never see their daughter again. Good Greif!

    Comments these days are so asciline. (beyond insanity)

    You commentors are more dangerous then her to our society.


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