To update Sen. Dirkson’s brilliant quip: A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.

Governors of five U.S. states urged the federal government to provide $1 trillion in aid to the country’s 50 states to help pay for education, welfare and infrastructure as states struggle with steep budget deficits amid a deepening recession.

The governors of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio and Wisconsin — all Democrats — said the initiative for the two-year aid package was backed by other governors and follows a meeting in December where governors called on President-elect Barack Obama to help them maintain services in the face of slumping revenues.

Gov. David Paterson of New York said 43 states now have budget deficits totaling some $100 billion as tax revenues plunge.

“It’s clear that the federal government needs to step in and jump-start the economy,” said Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts.

The latest package calls for $350 billion to create jobs by building or repairing roads, bridges and other public works; $250 billion to maintain education; and another $250 billion in “counter-cyclical” spending such as extending unemployment benefits and food stamps, which are typically a responsibility of the states.

The remainder would be used to fund middle-class tax cuts, stimulate the embattled housing market, and stem the tide of home foreclosures through a loan-modification program.

  1. LibertyLover says:


    Poison Twin,

    BTW . . . here is an interesting article concerning the 90s

    How is such an obviously biased, silly, article be interesting unless you are in denial about life?

    Just because it’s biased doesn’t mean it isn’t accurate. I’ve looked at the Treasury numbers and his supposition is dead on.

    I would ask for a link to dispute those numbers but you wouldn’t show any. Calling something silly and biased is par for you and your twin when confronted with the truth.

    “Truth in the empire of lies is treason.”

  2. Paddy-O says:

    # 58 Mister Mustard said, “Oh, get stuffed, RAMBO. You made a claim, I called bullshit.”

    We landed men on the moon in ’69. I suppose you need a link for that too? LOL!

    Get an education.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:


    The idiot claims Clinton’s budget surplus was imaginary. He even claims he used the Treasury Department’s own figures. So I followed the link and here are the numbers I got from the only dates I plugged in.

    Date. . . . Outstanding Public Debt Outstanding
    08-01-00 . . 5,652,485,270,404.28
    08-02-00 . . 5,656,022,578,326.22

    Just doing this off the top of my head, it appears the National Debt decreased by $463 million in one day.

  4. #64 – ‘dro

    >>We landed men on the moon in ‘69. I suppose
    >>you need a link for that too? LOL!

    No one is disputing that we landed a man on the moon in ’69 (although I didn’t realize Kuzco was in on that initiative), but if someone challenged me I sure as shit would be able to provide a link.

    Paddy-RAMBO posts a fantasy that goes against all common (and specialized) knowledge, and when his claim is called bullshit, the just S’s TFU. Just like he STFU after I called bullshit on his silly notion that the US Government couldn’t find marijuana fields if there were tens (or hundreds) of billions of dollars in tax revenue in it for them.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 66 Mister Mustard said, “but if someone challenged me I sure as shit would be able to provide a link.”

    If someone challenged me about an incident that is already known about by 90% of educated adults, I’d send the men in white coats to get them.

    What’s your address?

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #67 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>If someone challenged me about an incident
    >>that is already known about by 90% of
    >>educated adults

    Are you saying that 90% of educated adults “know” that Bill Clinton left office with a budget deficit?


    That’s even dopier than your claim that the Federal Gummint wouldn’t be able to find pot fields if they were going to rake in $20,000,000,000.00+ in tax revenues.

    HAW HAW HAW!!!!

    Your continued failure to post a link only reinforces the idiotic nature of your claim.

    Better STFU while you’re only this far behind. You’re just digging yourself deeper.


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