India’s high-tech capital Bangalore, known worldwide as an outsourcing hub, will change name to reflect the local language and become “the town of boiled beans“, the state chief minister said Monday.
The city in southwest India, capital of Karnataka, will officially use the local Kanada language name Bengaluru next year to mark the 50th anniversary of the state, N. Dharam Singh told AFP.
“It will give the feel of Kanada language,” Singh said. “Bombay has been changed to Mumbai, Calcutta to Kolkata. We are doing the same.”
Bangalore, according to state historians, got its name from Bendakalooru (the town of boiled beans) after a king strayed into the area during a hunting trip in the late 14th century.
A woman offered him a meal of boiled beans which the king enjoyed so much that he named the town after the dish.
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Beats “mouse mouth” Florida – birthplace of the PC