IVR Cheat Sheet(tm) by Paul English — Here is a great resource to bookmark. It contains basic 800 numbers and the necessary shortcuts to get to a human being by bypassing phone mail. Excellent research. Everything from American Express to United Airlines in on the list.

found by PG Kelly

  1. Jon says:

    It’s great. Actually heard about it on NPR news of the day couple weeks ago; they tried it and it worked very well.

  2. K B says:

    I love it.

  3. andrew says:

    As far as United airlines goes.
    Just say “agent” you will get a human.
    Of course there is still the matter of the $10.00 we really dont want to talk to you fee.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    I can imagine an “arms race” taking place, where we will eventually be like console-game players trying to enter cheat codes on their controllers – as voice-mail users attempt to raise-the-bar on getting through to a human.

    to speak to a human: press 8, press *, press 3, press #, at the tone say: “Ted Koppel is a waffle”, press # , press 4.

  5. david says:

    Yeah, cheat your way to a human only to find out that you can’t understand the Indian-accented English.

  6. PHone menus are so bad, that the other day in the mail I got at my office they sent out a anoucment for the new “Oracle Help Desk” (used for expence and such) and they put as one of the resons why you should use the new phone number was “No more phone menus!”

  7. James Hill says:

    I personally do all of my customer service tasks via e-mail. When forced to call I ask for a direct number. If they cannot provide one I ask for the customer retention department, because I want them to bribe me to keep their POS service.


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