A frantic two-day search for a 6-month-old child ended as a hoax — with police arresting the 22-year-old woman who spun the tale.

Meagan McCormic had told police her child, Riley Archer Buchness, had disappeared Tuesday afternoon with a nanny named Camille.

But McCormic never had a child — she had a miscarriage six months ago, police said. And the nanny with a heavy French accent never existed.

McCormic admitted to police that she had used the fake existence of the baby to lure back John Buchness, an ex-boyfriend who had traveled south to Miami from whereabouts unknown to meet his supposed son.

Police are now asking for the state attorney’s office to force McCormic to pay for the resources used to locate the supposed child. According to police, up to 20 detectives worked the case throughout all of Christmas Eve and Christmas.

Miami police spokesman Willie Moreno said the incident was a terrible misuse of the department’s resources. ”Those resources could have been used for someone in real need,” Moreno said.

A terrible abuse of resources designed for good – by someone thinking only of herself.

  1. bobbo says:

    She’s nuts and needs mental health services.

    How can anyone miss that?

  2. Fedup says:

    registered democrat and barack the magic negro supporter….

  3. sargasso says:

    Loosing her child and her partner in a short time period, probably through no fault of her own, and now facing public humiliation. Give her a break.

  4. Special Ed says:

    They should have just “found” a baby and took it to her. Just to fuck with her…

  5. bobbo says:

    #4–That was special, Ed.

    Two problems solved. hah, hah.


  6. #2 – FuckUp

    >>registered democrat and barack the magic
    >>negro supporter….

    Jesus. Is that all you’re capable of? Waiting for a post about some criminal or flake and then howling “DEMOCRAT!! DEMOCRAT!! NIGGER-LOVING DEMOCRAT!!”???

    Give it up, boy. You lost. You’ll have your chance again in ’12. Until then, why not do us all a favor and STFU?

  7. Miguel says:

    #1 – obvious!

    #4 – man, you’re E-V-I-L!!! LOLOLOL!!!!

    #2 – barack the magic negro?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!

  8. meetsy says:

    psycho chick…yet sounds like #3 would want to date her.
    She’s a spoiled brat with bucket-loads of self-esteem, and very, very skilled at manipulation. She did it because she was motivated to find the boyfriend (who would have stayed with her if she didn’t miscarry..out of “fatherly duty”). Not mentally competent?…Yes she is. She isn’t “poor little thing”. She believes that she should get what she wants, no matter what, because THEY want it. The rest of us are her little pawns.
    Of course she was thinking only of herself. Who else is there?

  9. syrinx says:

    Future “boyfriends” are highly encouraged to do her in the butt to avoid pregnancy scares. That ex-boyfriend should consider himself the luckiest person alive that he has no obligations to her.

  10. Benjamin says:

    She is lucky they didn’t charge her for murder. Since they couldn’t find the baby and the nanny didn’t exist, she obviously killed her.

  11. WHAT A WORLD!!! says:

    This story is to much!!! The people she messed with. The Detectives that missed Christmas with there familys for the lie’s of a 22yr old Crazy chick. She knew what she was doing, She knew it was wrong, Her own selfish motivation made it OK…. People neeed to take some inventory. Work it out.. This is the only world we get.. STOP FUCKING IT UP!!!

  12. DasiyaI Iz my Angel says:

    that was so pathetic yet stupid of her.. i guess she thought nobody would find out but they did and thats what she get


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