A gay man charged with helping his lover loot a wealthy school district has asked a judge to rule that state law protecting spouses from having to testify against each other also applies to same-sex partners.

Stephen Signorelli, fighting charges that he stole at least $219,000 from the Roslyn, New York, school district, is seeking to bar testimony by his longtime companion, Frank Tassone, the district’s former superintendent.

The legal point requests consistency and an egalitarian ruling. Being a crook isn’t gender-specific. Have we reached the era when spousal rights aren’t?

  1. site admin says:

    Wasn’t this done on Law&Order?

  2. Eideard says:

    I only watch the SVU flavor.

  3. Hal Jordan says:

    It’s bad enough that you’re gay, you had to be a goon too.


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