Worldwide — The public in general will see this as another Wall Street fiasco, but the street sees it differently. This guy was a god and apparently the father of “modern Wall Street.” Perhaps that’s the problem with Modern Wall Street.

Let’s just say that finding out that this guy was crooked would be like finding out that Mother Teresa was a hooker. It’s that bad.

Bernard Madoff confessed to employees this week that his investment advisory business was “a giant Ponzi scheme” that cost clients $50 billion before two FBI agents showed up yesterday morning at his Manhattan apartment.

“We’re here to find out if there’s an innocent explanation,” Agent Theodore Cacioppi told Madoff, who founded Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC and was once chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market.

“There is no innocent explanation,” Madoff, 70, told the agents, saying he traded and lost money for institutional clients. He said he “paid investors with money that wasn’t there” and expected to go to jail. With that, agents arrested Madoff, according to an FBI complaint.

Advice: Suicide Watch.

  1. Thomas says:

    You cannot be serious. You are blaming Bush for the financial crisis? Why don’t you blame him for hangnails while you are at it? The Bush Administration has mentioned on multiple occassions over the past eight years that a financial crisis might be coming if more regulation and oversight was not created. It was Congress (both Republican and Democrat) that failed to do anything about it. What about the Congressional oversight committee that was created after Enron? Where were they?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #64 – Thomas

    >>To a person, no atheist cares what any
    >>individual believes.

    Take that up with Bobo. Or are you saying he’s not a card-carrying Atheist? Hmmm?

    >>Faith healers, cult leaders, witch doctors
    >>and others are all byproducts of choosing to
    >>accept ideas that have no tangible evidence
    >>to support them.

    Just as Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Mao, and other world-famous ethnic cleansers are all byproducts of accepting to choose the tenets of their Atheistic faith. And exterminating all those who don’t worship at the alter of Atheism. For further information about the unspeakable horrors perpetrated in the name of Atheism, see e.g. :

    >>However, the religious have a habit of
    >>imposing their beliefs on others including
    >>stamping it on coinage, silly prayers during
    >>public hearings and schools, preventing
    >>research into stem cells and such.

    Well gosh. I’m religious, and I don’t promote any of those activities. Go figure.

  3. bobbo says:

    #67–Mustard, stop being so tedious. You obviously think it is funny, but no, its just tedious. What your particular beliefs/actions are is pretty irrelevant in a general discussion unless you specifically are charged.

    Current flap over posting the atheist sign in Washington State Courthouse demonstrates the issue Thomas fairly points out. Protestants post their Jeebesus rant ON STATE PROPERTY and then object when atheists do the same. Saying “God Exists” is recognizing the universal truth, but saying “God Does Not Exist” is hate speech, lacks decorum, and doesn’t recognize the christians rights to practice their religion without being harassed.

    What a bunch of dildoes. Not happy to be able to practice their religion 24/7 as they please, they aren’t happy unless they can inflict their superstition on other people and they call it harassment to be disagreed with.

    Yea, I know, you don’t live in Washington.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #68 – Bobo

    >>What a bunch of dildoes

    Are you the Anti-Quayle, Bobo? The word is spelled “dildos” – to wit: (NSFW)

    >>Mustard, stop being so tedious. You obviously
    >>think it is funny, but no, its just tedious.

    Oh, I don’t think it’s funny, Bobo, I think it’s pathetic. The burning anger you exhibit at the mere existence of people who find strength, solace, and satisfaction in their spiritual beliefs is sad beyond words.

    >>What your particular beliefs/actions are is
    >>pretty irrelevant in a general discussion

    Then why do you continue to rail against Jeebus (whom you seem unwilling or unable to stop calling “Jeebesus”)? My beliefs about Jesus seem to be a big prickly burr under your saddle, and you miss no opportunity to berate me on your supposedly superior beliefs.

    >>Protestants post their Jeebesus rant ON STATE

    I’d be interested in seeing where Protestants have posted a “Jeebesus” rant on state property.

    As to the Washington State Courthouse flap, I haven’t heard of it. Obviously you Atheists are more interested in what we Christians are up to than vice versa. I’ll take a look into it later, but I have a feeling that (provided there’s any fire under that smoke) it’s going to turn out to be some whacka-doodles just trying to stir up trouble. You know, like when Stalin killed all the believers? A fringe element, looking for their 15 minutes. Not representative of the majority of Christians.

  5. Thomas says:

    The number of deaths caused under the guise of religion by the religious is orders of magnitude more than Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao due specifically and solely to a person’s religious beliefs combined. It is a history that goes back almost to the foundations of civilization. The vast majority of deaths caused by these three men were because of perceived political threats or to further political agendas not because of pure religious hatred. I’m sure they did kill people because of religion but *that* number is substantially less than all the people they killed.

    The link you provided is obviously from someone, like yourself, that really does not grok atheism. You have proven yourself incapable of grasping the concept of a lack of belief as compared to belief. The article you provided is more evidence of the same as shown in this early statement: “It is obvious that Atheism cannot be true”. Atheism is not a statement of truth any more than a disbelief in Santa Claus is a statement of truth. Atheism merely states that all claims as to the existence of a deity are lacking. No atheist would ever state that atheism alone would bring a more humane world. Do you believe walking under a ladder is bad luck? No? Has getting over that superstition made you any more or less humane? Similarly, just because some realizes that theist claims are nonsense will not make them a more humane person. Conversely, just because someone becomes religious *also* will not make them a more humane person.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 70 Thomas said, “The number of deaths caused under the guise of religion by the religious is orders of magnitude more than Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao due specifically and solely to a person’s religious beliefs combined.”

    Well, atheism is fairly new. The 1st hundred years when nations were ruled by that philosophy caused more deaths in a given time period than ANY religious inspired wars, etc.

  7. Thomas says:

    First, lack of belief is a universal concept. Second, atheism certainly goes back to at least the 5th century BCE Greece. That covers most of recorded history whereas superstition has been around, as far as we know, as long as man.

    It is often hard to separate murder purely for religious reasons and murder in order to further political agendas. Often religion used as an excuse for political murders.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #70 – Thomas

    >>The link you provided is obviously from
    >>someone, like yourself, that really does not
    >>grok atheism.

    Just as your talking points from the Atheist Newsletter were prepared by someone that really does not grok “religion”.

    To equate modern-day, run-of-the-mill Unitarian Universalists or UCC members with the raging hordes of the Inquisition or Ted Haggard or abortion doctor shooters, shows a failure to grok on the same order of magnitude as Bobo’s.

    >>Similarly, just because some realizes that >>theist claims are nonsense…

    Again, your dismissive and judgemental claims of superior knowledge put you in the ranks of intolerance as Bobo and the fringe theists you belittle. I have never criticized Atheists for their beliefs. But believe you me, I’ve taken a shitload of guff from them for mine. If you don’t believe what I believe, fine. STFU and leave me and my fellow believers alone.

    If you have a beef with King Ferdinand of Aragon, or Ted Haggard, or the guys who shoot abortion doctors, or the pedophile priests, take it up with them. I hold no truck with them either.

  9. Thomas says:

    Having once been religious myself along with many people I know, I can safely say that I understand quite a bit about the religious mindset. It is not terribly complicated to understand why people become or remain religious. It has more to do with comfort and belonging than it does truth. The vast majority of people that consider themselves religious have never analyzed their beliefs critically and have no desire to do so. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

    Modern faith healers, cult leaders, the Inquisition and abortion doctor shooters all have a common thread. They all have either accepted a tenet based on zero evidence or take advantage of those that have. So, while certainly not equal in their behavior, they are equal in the core flaw which drives their behavior.

    I can be tolerant and sill dismiss theist claims as nonsense. Tolerant simply means I afford you your right (and fight for such right) to disagree and to have your own beliefs. It does not mean I must accept them or elevate them to any point of validity. I am tolerant of people that believe the world is 6000 years old but I do not have to accept their superstition as truth nor do I need to accept policy based on such nonsense.

    I and all atheists to a person would love to leave theists alone in return for the same treatment. However, theists insist on imposing their beliefs on everyone. Silly phrases on money, prayers during court, swearing on Bibles, Ten Commandment placards in government buildings etc.

  10. soundwash says:

    politics and religion in the same thread..
    -there was no way an exposion of thoughts
    would not occur. -wonder what a “traditional chinaman” would have to add to this thread..
    (weren’t they hindu at the start?)

    -that’s all. i have little knowledge of ancient history or religion(s)

    #53,57 – bobbo

    -thank you for input. however, your not seeing the bigger picture. i’m trying to instigate curiosity
    amongst the divided here. i have a knack for recognize patterns. -after spending several hours on the DOJ website, looking at the case files of many sates, i’ve found over a hundred cases of various mortgage and *funds* frauds.

    what does it mean? -i’m not sure yet. but it appears as far back as 99 (that i can find) these scams have been proliferating.. i’m wondering if the all the phony (inflated) mortgages are connected to the rippoff scams, or are they one in the same. -just at opposite ends of the overall scam.

    on the surface, it seems one cannot exist without the other. plus, a key factor that is needed in both, is a loan officer to sign off on the mortgages. -and they are (ultimately) part of a bank.. the list of NJ 2008 cases..if your bored.. i’ll put it all together..if my PC doesnt die first..major power issues have been killing all the electronics in my house..UPS doesnt seem to help..

    gotta run..

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #74 – Thomas

    >>Having once been religious myself along with
    >>many people I know, I can safely say that I
    >>understand quite a bit about the religious

    Having once been an Atheist myself along with many people I know, I can safely say that I understand quite a bit about the Atheist mindset.

    I’ve been through the bold and saucy phase, being hip-and-happening, avante-garde, a little bit dangerous, existential intellectual blah blah blah. Blah. If you live long enough, you may come to realize that there’s more to existence than things you can punch up on your pocket calculator.

    >>I and all atheists to a person would love to
    >>leave theists alone in return for the same

    You keep mentioning this “to a person” nonsense. Did you share that tenet of Atheist belief with Pol Pot, Stalin, or Mao? YOU may be happy to leave theists alone in return for the same treatment, but that is certainly not a universal point of view among adherents to that faith. Trust me. I’ve taken enough bullshit from adolescent-acting blusterers quoting Marxist talking points like “the opiate of the masses” (or “Die Religion ist das Opium des Volkes”, for the truly egg-headed) to realize that. As though they’d actually read Marx’s “Contribution to Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” to know what he was talking about, or the Marquis de Sade’s “Juliette”, to know where the saying came from. Bunch of blowhards, pissed that Mommy made them go to church, and acting out.

    Of course, not every Atheist is that way, or like Mao Tse Tung. Just like not every believer (nor even every Christian, for that matter) is like Ted Haggard, King Ferdinand, or the abortion-shooting doctors.

    >>However, theists insist on imposing their
    >>beliefs on everyone.

    Pffffttt. Now I KNOW you’ve been hitting the Christmas eggnog early. In fact, Bobo is pouting and stomping his foot because he doesn’t even know what my beliefs are, and has a hard time berating me and ridiculing me for them (you might want to tell him about your “Atheists…to a person” theory). I can’t think of a single “theist” I know personally who does that. I’ve heard that a kid I went to high school with is that way, but I steer clear of him (as do most people). I hear about some people like that in the news; of course I hear about the murdering Atheists there too. I just don’t know any personally.

    >>So, while certainly [theists are] not equal
    >>in their behavior, they are equal in the core
    >>flaw which drives their behavior.

    Does that same principle apply to Atheists? The murderers? The rapists? The ethnic cleansers? Or is it only the evil theists who are all alike because they purport to share one thing in common?

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.

    It seems that Madoff Investment Securities LLC, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all meet that threshold for believability. I’ve heard that the returns can be simply incredible.

  13. wiglebot says:

    # 76 ” i have a knack for recognize patterns. -after spending several hours on the DOJ website, looking at the case files of many sates, i’ve found over a hundred cases of various mortgage and *funds* frauds.”

    LOL, This pattern is pretty obvious, just look around, but go for it.

    You have a good idea though. It is possible to get a unstructured web mining tool and point it at these urls and query the results.

  14. Thomas says:

    > Having once been an Atheist myself

    Sorry, but I do not believe you. Your responses here and in other threads argue to the contrary. When exactly and for how long exactly were you an atheist? Simply parroting “I know you are, but what am I” only works for children.

    > You keep mentioning this
    > “to a person” nonsense.

    It is simply another illustration how little about atheism you know. The BS you allegedly took from atheists is likely due to your obvious hypocrisy. You cannot endorse an attitude of evidenced based thinking with respect to science and then decide to ignore that methodology when it comes to analysis of religious practices. You should try taking some courses on cultural anthropology and pay particular attention to the methods used to analyze and compare a given culture’s superstitions. After you do that for a year, direct you newly found techniques to your beliefs and tell us what you find.

    > Does that same principle apply to Atheists?
    > The murderers? The rapists? The ethnic
    > cleansers?

    There are more rapists, ethnic cleaners and murders that are religious than are atheist even accounting for population percentages. Why is that? If the religious are supposedly more humane, wouldn’t the prison populations contain more atheists than those that are religious?

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #81 – Thomas

    >>Sorry, but I do not believe you.

    Well, tfb. Just like your belligerent religious beliefs, you opinion of my personal history makes no nevermind to me. The sure mark of one who is going through bold and saucy phase, being hip-and-happening, avante-garde, a little bit dangerous, existential intellectual blah blah blah, is their inability to accept that others believe anything besides what they believe. It’s tiresome, but you have a lot of company. I told you I was an atheist, and I was an atheist for many years. Much of my life, in fact. Now I’m not. If that doesn’t sit well with you, again, tfb.

    >>It is simply another illustration how little
    >>about atheism you know. The BS you allegedly
    >>took from atheists is likely due to your
    >>obvious hypocrisy.

    Huh? wtf? The fact that some of the most intolerant, self-important, egocentric, annoying, obnoxious buttinskis I have ever known have been Atheists is “simply another illustration of how little about Atheism I know”?? And their abrasive and intrusive behavior is “due to [my] obvious hypocrisy”? I might respond to that, if I had the slightest idea wtf you’re talking about.

    See for yourself right here on dvorak dot org slash blog. You never see a “theist” berating an atheist for his or her beliefs. On the other hand, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been called a moran, a sheeple, a “true believer” (in the negative sense), an anti-science fanatic, illogical, stupid, mindless, blah blah blah, I’d be as rich as Rockefeller. They are relentless, and they won’t be satisfied until everyone else shares their unshakable religious belief.

    >>There are more rapists, ethnic cleaners and
    >>murders that are religious than are atheist
    >>even accounting for population percentages.

    You’ll have to forgive me if I call bullshit on that allegation. Got proof?

  16. djrob says:

    “Advice: Suicide Watch.”
    Are you kidding me, this guy won’t spend a day in jail, because unlike Martha Stewart he belongs to powerful lodges or secret societies or devil knows what.
    He was busted only because he cheated someone more powerful than he.

  17. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    Gotta love the endless religious debates. Lotsa hits for DU.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    In all the posts, unless I missed one, none of you “know-it-all’s” ever mentioned that this Madoff clown was a major contributor to the Democrats for years.

    How’d ya’ miss that one?

  19. Thomas says:

    You keep claiming you were an atheist but your responses and attitude say differently. It is as if you claim you got a math degree but keep stating that 2+2=5. Judging from this thread and others, if you ever were an atheist, you clearly did not understand what it meant. From what I can tell, you still cannot grasp the fundamental concept of a lack of belief. If you cannot understand this concept, then understanding the mindset of an atheist would be beyond you.

    As I said, you cannot embrace an attitude of evidence based thinking with respect to science and then throw out that methodology when it comes to analysis of your belief in the existence of the supernatural. That is hypocrisy.

    It is *very* common for theists to be aghast at atheists even on Dvorak’s blog. “You’ll go to hell.” “You must accept Jesus”, “You need to be saved”, “You’re a fool if you don’t believe in a higher power” and so on. Most atheists are reluctant to even mention they are an atheist simply to avoid the barrage of nonsense arguments about how they need to be “saved.”

    With respect to prison populations, go research the figures at the Federal Bureau of Prisons. If theists are really more humane, it should be the case that the most prisoners are not religious, right? Not even close. If I remember correctly, the prison population is made up of slightly fewer atheists as a percentage than the general population. Again, if being religious supposedly helps people be humanitarian, we should see far fewer prisoners that are religious rather than equal or more.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #88 – Thomas

    >> It is *very* common for theists to be aghast
    >>at atheists even on Dvorak’s blog. “You’ll go
    >>to hell.” “You must accept Jesus”, “You need
    >>to be saved”, “You’re a fool if you don’t
    >>believe in a higher power” and so on.

    Ha ha! Dvorak’s blog? “*very* common”??? John C. Dvorak, of dvorak dot org slash blog?? You’ve GOT to be kidding, unless there’s another dvorak dot org slash blog that I’m not familiar with. Two or three examples of someone saying “You must accept Jesus” or “You’ll go to hell” would go a looooooooooong way in salvaging your credibility. Even in the unlikely event that you COULD drum up a few instances of this, I guarantee you for every one you find, I could find a hundred instances of Atheists beating believers over the head with their non-belief belief.

    >>Judging from this thread and others, if you
    >>ever were an atheist, you clearly did not
    >>understand what it meant.

    Wooo. Is being an Atheist like being a samurai? Or more à propos, like being a ronin? Or even more à propos, like being a bishop, an archbishop, a pope? Is there an apprenticeship, a training regimen, a heirarchy of Atheism? Shucks. I thought it just meant you believed in No God, not that you had vowed lifelong adherence to the precepts of the religion.

    >>As I said, you cannot blah blah blah
    >>blah..That is hypocrisy.

    No, that’s me worshiping Frank Sinatra, and doing it my way. If that doesn’t sit well with your cultural anthropological analysis of your and others’ religions, tfb.

    As to the prison stats, why don’t YOU look them up and summarize them for us, since you already seem to know without looking what they say. And if they say what I think they say (that just like out of prison, there are both Atheists and believers in prison), big woop. Just as they say there are no Atheists in foxholes, there are no (or fewer) Atheists in prisons. Lots of people purport that they come to Jesus in the Big House, whether it’s to stave off the hot needle, to further their chances of parole, because they’ve been pushed beyond their breaking point, are lying about their religious convictions, or have actually changed their mind about a higher power. It proves nothing.

  21. Thomas says:

    Your puerile responses make you sound like a fool. You can use Google as well as I. You and I have been in many of the same discussions regarding religion. If you cared, you can find the evidence of theist nonsense for yourself.

    In a previous post some time ago, I did provide a link to the Bureau of Prisons statistics regarding religion. You are perfectly capable of Googling it yourself.

    In set theory, many students are never able to get their head around the idea of the empty set. In database design, many developers never really understand nulls. Similarly, it appears you never really understood what a lack of belief really means.

    I never posited *my* analysis of other religions. I suggested *you* study cultural anthropology and the techniques used to dissect and understand a culture, particularly primitive cultures and their superstitions and beliefs. Once you have a firm grasp of those methodologies, use those tools to analyze your own culture’s superstitions and beliefs.

    If religion is supposed to make people more humane, then it ought to be the case that the prison population has fewer people that are religious than the general population even accounting for people that lie about their convictions or ignore the humane teachings of the given religion. It shouldn’t be equal in percentage to the general population. It should be LESS than the general population by far if religions truly make people more humane. That the prison population mimics the general population proves that the argument that religion helps people be more humane is specious.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #90 – Thomas

    {snoooooooorrrrrre}. You shot your wad on this “argument” a long time ago.

    If you don’t like what I believe, believe something else. I’m not trying to convince you that I am right; why not return the favor? I realize that’s not the Atheist way, but give it a shot, huh?

  23. Thomas says:

    No one is trying to make you believe anything. Believe what you wish. However, that will not stop people from pointing out your hypocrisy.

    Further, do you acknowledge that the government should stop such nonsense as “In God we Trust” on money, blocking stem research because of religious fear and putting up the Ten Commandments in government buildings? If not, then you are clearly not keeping your side of the bargain.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #92 – Thomas

    Oh Tommie, Tommie, Tommie. What is it with you Atheists? Do you have some congenital need to badger those who have beliefs different from your? Why the need to “point out [my] hypocrisy”? I don’t point yours out. Just keep your religious beliefs to yourself, as you’re always haranguing believers to do.

    And yes, I acknowledge those things. With the exception of the stem cell research, I rank them somewhere behind “when will I clip my toenails?” in importance. I’m as concerned about that creepy eye atop the pyramid on our money as I am about “In God We Trust” being on it. And “annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum”?? “He favors our undertaking – new world order”?? wtf is that all about?

  25. bobbo says:

    Hey!–“The Godless Girl” 1929 Silent Film by Ceclie B Demile on TCM Right now===plays just like this blog.

    Atheists calling the godsters saps and fools and the godsters making fun of Darwin.

    Progress? Not even with the advent of sound and color. Interesting comment on the (non) interaction between science and retardation.

  26. dildo says:

    Gotta love the endless religious debates,Think about it… The whole banking system is a variation of a ponzi scheme.


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